Croquet Communique

Summer is here – a little more freedom from ‘Guidance’ and Croquet is in full ‘swing’!

Internal Summer Competitions

The Internal Summer Competitions are well underway.  The One Ball and Aspinall Cup competitions are being played in organised groups, which is proving successful, (although the weather has caused problems).

Competitors in all competitions are asked to play ahead of schedule – the ‘play-by date’ is a last resort – we really need to be well advanced in case of bad weather or further guidance restrictions.

External Competitions

 The National Inter-Club GC Competition is taking place this year albeit with a reduced entry.

Roehampton Club’s first match is against the Sussex County Croquet Club this Sunday, 28th June 2020. The team, captained by Tim Russell, includes Tim, Harry Fisher, Dan Pearson, and Mark van Loon – possibly the youngest Roehampton Club Croquet Team for many years!

My Mallet

Frustration finally won through on Monday when my mallet decided to take its ‘hourly’ exercise on the Croquet Lawn!  It approached with some trepidation, but was soon striking balls again, happily but not with accuracy!

Mike Pattison  |  Croquet Captain