Croquet Communique
In these gloomy January days, the Croquet Committee is looking forward and planning for better times. Our annual internal summer tournament competition is about to be launched, with information and entry forms being circulated to all croquet section Members. It runs from April to September.
At this stage we are acting with caution in terms of what future restrictions may exist and are just focusing on singles events. In time we hope we can open up entries for doubles events as well. There are competitive events to suit all types of players, handicap and level, and we very much hope new members to croquet will enter the competition: you cannot be a winner if you don’t enter! It is a great way to gain more experience and to play against different Members – learning more about the game and improving. The new online lawn booking system will make it much more straightforward to reserve lawns for matches.
We know the lawns will be in tip-top condition; as we currently hibernate at home, our terrific grounds maintenance team are working to improve drainage and to ensure we get to play on the best croquet lawns in the country.
I look forward with optimism!