Croquet Communique



My Mallet

In my Mallet’s diary, Monday 29th March 2021, was the day we looked forward to with eager anticipation, and it was seen, mask at the ready, swinging back and forth before the 10am start.

The day dawned with a cool breeze and some grey skies, but by midday, the weather was glorious, a perfect day for croquet, coupled with excellently prepared, true and fast lawns.  There was a general air of excitement and enthusiasm, it was good to see Members, hear laughter and conversation again, after what has seemed the hardest lockdown.

Internal Summer Competitions

The singles draw for the Internal Summer Tournament has been sent out so players can begin booking matches.

The doubles competitions (which had a later cut-off date), will be announced shortly, and sent out on draw completion. Many thanks to Lynn Pearcy for organising these draws.

External Competitions

Roehampton Club Croquet will enter the following tournaments this year:

◊ Inter Club – Association Croquet
Inter Club – Golf Croquet
Longman – Association Croquet
Mary Rose – Association Croquet
Murphy – Golf Croquet
SECF – Golf Croquet League

Details of the draws will be forwarded to the section when they are released.

Lawn 4 Pavilion

As part of the Croquet Section’s ongoing improvements, a new pavilion will be constructed in May. This will replace the existing one that is currently being used by the contractors carrying out the works as part of the Padel Courts project.

Welcome back and enjoy your croquet!

Mike Pattison | Croquet Captain