Croquet Committee
Lynn Pearcy, Chair
Chairs the Croquet Committee meetings and liaises with senior Club management. Organises the internal summer tournaments. Chairs the Competitions Sub-Committee and therefore liaises with Croquet England representatives regarding croquet tournaments held at the Club.
Mike Pattison, Captain
The first point of contact for the section. Liaises with committee members and Club/section managers on the policies and procedures of Club days and on croquet events and issues. Liaises with ground staff regarding lawn maintenance. Supervises the online booking system. Member of the Coaching and Croquet Youth Committees. Communicates with section members, including through Roehampton Recorder.
Jenny Gaskin
Liaises with other clubs to arrange GC friendly matches. Co-ordinates the section’s assistance with corporate events.
Howard Railton
Helps to introduce new members to the section. Chairs the Coaching and Croquet Youth Committees.
Robert Scallon
Liaises with other clubs for higher-handicap GC floodlit events. Organises the GC summer invitational event.
Jacqueline Pattison
Helps to introduce new members to the section. Helps to organise the annual dinner and prize-giving, the AGM and other social events. Assists the Captain in communication with section members.
Diana Wilson
Liaises with other clubs to arrange AC friendly matches and the Club’s involvement in the Longman Cup. Organises the winter AC Rainbow.
Anne Wilkinson
Liaison Director
Louis Laville
Golf and Games Manager |
Peter Bradburn
Course and Grounds Manager
Advisory Members:
Charlotte Oades
Member of the Croquet Youth Committee. Assists the Chair and Captain with section development and strategy. Helps to organise the annual dinner and prize-giving, the AGM and other social events.
Tim Russell
Liaises with other clubs for AC and GC inter-club and floodlit events. Offers help and advice re external Croquet England tournaments, including the CqE summer tournaments held at the Club. CqE and a Club handicapper for both AC and GC.