Letter from Company Secretary to Members
9th April 2020
Dear Member,
Roehampton Club AGM 2020
The Board has decided that the Annual General Meeting, which was originally scheduled for 18th May 2020, but which had not been formally convened, should now be delayed. We hope it will be possible to hold it in July 2020.
While the Board hopes that the restrictions on movement will be lifted before that time, some of our Members who are shielded in the more vulnerable category have been asked to isolate themselves for twelve weeks. This restriction will prevent them from attending group events until mid-June at the earliest.
Delaying the AGM will allow as many of our community as possible to participate. The Board also felt that in the current uncertain environment, particularly given the restrictions on hosting events at the Club, it would not be appropriate to plan formally now for a meeting in May.
The term of the four Directors who are subject to retirement by rotation at the next AGM will therefore continue until such time that an election can practically be arranged, and the AGM held.
As for the 2019 Annual Report and Accounts, they will be made available to Members for information purposes in advance of being formally circulated prior to the next AGM.
No complications arise under the Articles or general company law in relation to a short delay of the type currently envisaged, but the Board will of course continue to keep this position under review as the situation develops. As and when there are any material changes to this position, I will write to Members to update them.
Best wishes,
Patricia Morgan
Company Secretary | Click here to download the letter as a PDF