A presentation of the healthy nature of the Club’s finances and membership waiting list was given by retiring Director Justin Ward and Members joined in applause to thank Justin, Chris Bray and Alan Jenkins for their service as Directors over the last six years. Particular thanks were given to retiring Chairman, Alan Jenkins, for his superb steering of the Club through the recent challenging times and his leadership of the Club’s strategic Development Masterplan 2035. Alan announced that Vivien Harris (right) had accepted the Board’s invitation to succeed Alan as Chair for the next year and her appointment would be ratified by the meeting of the new Board on 16th June.
I gave a short explanation of the capital projects due to be undertaken this year which can be viewed here and finally Rob Hill from GGA Partners gave a summary of the results of the recent Member Survey which showed how well the Club had progressed in virtually every area of its operation since 2018.
Full Survey results can be seen here