Chief Executive’s Message

URGENT UPDATE 20:00 hours 20th March – following latest government coronavirus briefing – please click to read

Original message from earlier on Friday 20th March …
Dear Member

Following on from the Chairman’s message three days ago can I thank Members for the many kind messages of thanks to the Board and myself for keeping the Club partially open in the midst of this unprecedented pandemic. The Senior Management team are meeting daily monitoring the ever changing situation and are in constant liaison with the Board to approve policy changes as appropriate. We aim to keep the Club operating as outlined by the Chairman but have drawn up plans in the event of a London Lockdown which will then inevitably mean the Club will have to close.

Club Staff

Club staff have been encouraged where possible to work from home as per Government guidelines and essential front line staff are working on split rotas to ensure we can safely operate the Club. Staff who are working from home or who have been asked to stay at home for various reasons will be on full pay for April and May. We will then review accordingly. We will also look to use and support casual staff where we can for the next two months. Staff who are self-employed service providers can work in their areas ( golf and tennis ) if they still wish to under Club guidelines. Class instructors no longer required to work ,as classes have been cancelled to avoid close contact as per Government policy, have been paid to the end of March or to the end of their current contract with the Club. Again we will review accordingly in two months’ time. All our staff will continue to be looked after as we want to open back at full strength as soon as we can.

Home Workouts- Physical and Mental

To ensure Members stay as fit and healthy as possible while at home please note the exercises put together by our Gym team, Backgammon and Bridge sections in their reports plus two interesting articles from Duncan Christie-Miller who will be a regular contributor going forward. Thank you all. If anyone else has any interesting tips, relevant stories or articles they would like to share with Members via the Recorder over the coming weeks, please email them to

Visitors and Guests

The Board decided that visitors and guests are not permitted to come to the Club at this time as we have restricted the numbers of Members able to use the sporting facilities. It was felt that priority should be given to Members only.

Updated from original message:

Sports Shop, Health Club and Indoor Pool now closed – 20:00 20th March 2020

Social Distancing

Updated 20:00 20th March 2020 – click here

To adhere to the Government’s request to keep social contact between people to a minimum we will be closing the top floor of the Clubhouse as well as the Juice Bar seating area in the Health Club. If you are meeting fellow golfers and tennis players please meet outside the Sports Shop or courtside. Please avoid meeting as groups in the Clubhouse or in the Health Club. Please help us to take every precaution to minimise the spread of the virus to young and old.


Finally I was saddened to hear of the recent loss of two of our most popular Members Susie Beard and our eldest Member Jimmy James who passed away at the grand old age of 102. Tributes to both are in this issue and will follow later on in the year when their lives will be celebrated.

We will update Members next week of any developments and inevitable changes. Now is a time to look out for fellow Members so please keep in contact with friends and family who you know will appreciate a comforting call as we soldier on through this crisis.

Best wishes
