Chief Executive’s Message
Dear Member,
The Club’s excellent team of staff have been working hard over the last few weeks, whether at home or here at the Club, to provide Members with a programme of activities for all ages to help relieve the boredom of self-isolation.
Can I thank all of them and all our Members for your patience and understanding at this challenging time. There is no script to follow in this unprecedented challenge but we are focussing on:
– Maintaining the Club inside and out so we are in the best of shape to open speedily when permitted to
– Providing a lively and stimulating programme of classes and activities for Members
– Supporting all staff from a welfare and financial perspective
– Supporting Members who are experiencing real hardship
– Planning to safeguard the financial stability and future of the Club
– Clear and concise communication to Members and staff
We believe that our Club can ride out the storm but we do need to make a concerted effort to contain costs and conserve funds.
As a Members’ Club we are in a stronger position than most organisations in that our Members have shown a true understanding of what is required to support the Club through tough times.
Some Members have even offered additional financial support, as they value the Club and our staff so highly.
Thanks to Helen Bolt and her team of contributors we have a bumper edition for you this week. Some of the highlights to look out for:
– Online Bridge tuition from Paul Mendelson and BridgeBaseOnline secured by Danny Gesua
– Virtual fitness classes with fitness and nutrition tips from Emily Hurse and her Gym team
– Games, arts and crafts and creative writing for our younger Members
– Recipes from Head Chef Adam Lestrelle
– Watch Squash genius Ramy Ashour online
– Golf lesson tips from Richard Harrison on You Tube
– Why gardening is good for you by Peter Bradburn
– Read up on how to win at tennis with Dan Lott
– Delving into Club archives with Steve Reidlinger
– PhotoClub online project by Charles Carne
– What’sApp Group for the Art Group with online classes to follow
I want to take the chance here to thank Siân Goddard for her excellent two years as Art Group Chair. She has taken the Art Group to another level since taking over and handed the baton over recently to Richard Ramsay who will be looking to maintaining those high standards. So thank you and well done to Siân and congratulations to Richard.
Lastly can I thank Members and staff who have volunteered to help vulnerable Members which has been co-ordinated through the Committee Chairs and Captains who can identify and contact fellow Members who need some extra care at this difficult time for all.
The Board and the staff are very aware that the closure of the Club is a significant disappointment, but we have been heartened by our Members’ stoic resilience and wholehearted support. Thank you all for your understanding and patience.
Best wishes,
Marc Newey
Chief Executive
2nd April 2020