Chief Executive’s Message

Dear Member,
The last two weeks has seen our best golf and tennis players trying to win the coveted Autumn Meeting and Club championship titles at the Club. It was wonderful to see both adult and juniors of all ages battling it out all week and on finals weekend for a Club championship title. Thanks are due to Dan Lott, Nik Snapes , Chris Hughes and Simon Bailey for ensuring the tournament organisation and the grass courts were of such high quality.

We had five European Senior Tour Pros saying last Friday that the golf course greens were the best they had played on in the UK and next day Vince Thorne went and shot 68 in the Men’s Autumn meeting to prove it. His level par two round total of 142 won by 5 shots from Club Champion Scott Stanley. The average score for two rounds was 40 over par for the field as the vast majority struggled with the greens being 11 on the stimp meter. The Ladies’ Autumn meeting is completed next Tuesday having played one round so far. Find the photos here

Congratulations to Harry Fisher who reached the final of the British Open last week just losing 3-2 to a past World Champion from New Zealand. An England International Harry is the emerging star in the Croquet world and we are very proud to have him as a Member.

Why are our golf greens, croquet lawns, grass courts and gardens so good year on year? Its down to the considerable efforts and expertise of Peter Bradburn, Ashley Allpress, Chris Hughes, Steve Hutchens and their teams. We are very lucky to have them all here and Wednesday 23rd September is national thank a greenkeeper/ groundsman day for their work during the pandemic so please add your thanks to a wonderful team when you see them.

Family Golf Day

Richard Harrison is hosting another golf get together for the whole family between 3pm-4.30pm on Sunday 20th September. This is traditionally a great way to play casual friendly golf with your immediate family. Come dressed in your home nations colours to reflect the international make up of our Club.
Contact for further details

Family Croquet session

Further to a successful Family Croquet session in August, the Croquet Section have organised another session for this Sunday, 20th September from 3-5pm. Junior Members aged 10+ and Member parents are welcome to come to try out croquet and have some fun with support and tips from Croquet Section Members. Free session and mallets supplied but please wear flat-soled shoes or trainers. Last few places left, book now at Reception or give the team a call on 020 8480 4200.

Indoor Pool Roof

The works to the indoor pool roof are due to completed by the end of next week where we have renewed all the roof insulation to ensure we have no reoccurrence of the heat loss we experienced last winter. We have also taken the opportunity to install solar panels as an integral part of the roof so we can save some energy costs year on year as well contribute positively to the environment. The works next week will involve some indoor cladding meaning that we have to let the contractor work from 8pm to midnight each day in the pool hall to minimise the disruption to our swimming programme. Thank you for your patience in this matter.

Art Group Beginner’s classes

There are some places available for the autumn term Beginners’ and Improvers Drawing and Painting Class taking place in the Art Studio, subject to enhanced social distancing and hygiene rules, and live on zoom – the choice is yours. Led by Kathy Barker on Wednesdays from 2 – 5 pm from 23rd September to 2nd December the cost is £150 for 10 sessions. Please book by this Friday by calling Reception on 020 8480 4200.

Lastly, as the national Covid-19 infection rate is increasing again, please remember to adhere to our new Covid-19 rules and regulations to ensure our Club remains a safe haven for all.

Best wishes,
Marc Newey | Chief Executive |