Chief Executive’s Message
Dear Member,
As you can see from my emails this week, we have started a phased return to opening sports at the Club. It was wonderful to see Members back playing tennis and walking through the gardens while enjoying the sunshine. We are looking forward to welcoming the golfers and croquet players on Saturday morning. I am pleased to see Members observing the social distancing regulations and we have installed clear signage all around the Club as a reminder.
♦ Monitoring the tennis bookings yesterday with Dan Lott has prompted us to revise the 3 visits per household per week rule. We feel we can extend that to 3 visits per Member per week, from Monday 18th May so that larger family households can play more often especially with Juniors not returning to school or university as yet.
♦ We must insist on the one visit per day for every Member rule to ensure as many Members can use the courts as possible. This applies to every sport. We had to remind 4 Members on Day One so please familiarise yourself with the regulations.
♦ We will also extend the opening hours of the courts from 7am starting Monday 18th May.
I am sure there will more revisions to the new regulations for golf, tennis, croquet as we work through this new situation together. Please be courteous to fellow Members otherwise, regrettably, we will restrict/remove individual booking rights. My staff are here to help you but have been briefed to closely monitor bookings so every Member can swiftly return to the Club after lockdown.
The CMC met yesterday and has decided that the suggested Member Forum with the Chairman and myself should now take place in mid-June to allow me to concentrate upon the re-opening operation as events have overtaken our plan for a 1st June re-opening. It is hoped we will receive permission from the Government to open the Outdoor Pool and squash courts on a restricted basis in June and the forecasted opening for the gym, Indoor Pool and Tulloch Clinic and Studio is 4th July. The Clubhouse is likely to be permitted to open last and that could be in July/ August. We will still look to use the Zoom technology to facilitate the meeting in June but numbers will inevitably be limited, so we will look to record the meeting and publish it on the Members’ website. Further details of the proposed meeting will follow.
In the meantime, we will shortly publish a FAQ on the most frequent questions we have received as well as answers to questions we anticipate to receive as we continue to open the Club in phases. Further details of the proposed meeting will follow.
I would like to thank all Members for the stream of compliments on all our online virtual classes and social activities. The staff have worked so hard to keep Members engaged with the Club and will continue to do so even when we re-open fully. To have 100 Members partaking in a Pilates class online is definitely the way forward in this new world of social distancing.
Lastly can I thank all Members for their patience as we have gradually opened this week. It is great to be able to open the gates again to our wonderful Club.
Best wishes,