Chairman’s Message
Dear fellow Members,
The Club’s Board met this week for its last scheduled meeting of the year. Here are the highlights of the matters on the agenda.
We approved the budget for 2022. After the dramas and uncertainties of the last two years, we have assumed that there will be no lockdown or other restrictions severely affecting the use we can make of the Club. We have however set a prudent budget, targeting an EBITDA of approximately £1.9m. This is consistent with the trend we were on until 2019.
The Club has performed well this year. This reflects the loyalty of Members in renewing their membership and their above average use of the Club, our success in attracting new Members and the success of an efficient and effective operation by the management team. Against that background, we think it appropriate to undertake the following schemes in 2022:
• The replacement of the passenger lift in Reception. A new lift in the existing shaft will ensure we continue to be compliant with regulations and will carry up to 8 people. It is planned to undertake this work in August.
• The installation of an accessible changing room in the indoor swimming pool area for Members who require additional privacy or assistance with changing.
• The installation of an external glazed lobby from the indoor pool to the outdoor pool to reduce the airflow between the two pools. Both this and the accessible changing room are planned for early 2022.
• Agreement in principle was given to proceed with refurbishment of both changing rooms in the Clubhouse. We approved the appointment of the principal contractor, designer and project manager. The contractor, appointed through a competitive tender process, previously successfully carried out the Health Club refurbishment works. Detailed design, final costings and planned phasing of the works will come back to the Board in January for final approval.
• Provision has been included for refurbishment of the Club Café. The House and PDC Committees will be considering options and making recommendations to the Board in the first quarter of next year.
• The installation of Airhall 2, carried over from this year, once final approval is received from the Mayor of London confirming the grant of planning permission given by Wandsworth Council. We are agreeing with the Council the terms of certain conditions attached to the permission, including community use access. All being well, this will be ready for use in October 2022.
• Approval was given to undertake a full energy audit of the Club. This is expected to confirm our plans to install solar panels wherever sensible to do so on our buildings. The effect will be to substantially assist in reducing our carbon footprint, helping to achieve our ambition of net zero by 2030. It will also save us money on our energy bills in the medium to long term.
• Provision was also made for continued design and planning of the Indoor Golf Centre, reconfiguration of the Clubhouse social and eating areas, installation of perimeter safety fencing along the 10th, 11th and 12th holes and drainage work on the golf course.
The Board will monitor closely the Club’s operational and financial performance and will only undertake these projects if satisfied that it is prudent to do so. Management and the Board will also be careful to try to keep any disruption to Members to a minimum. These schemes, however, are either necessary or reflect long held plans to improve facilities for all our benefit.
Turning to other matters, it is with regret that we have to announce that our Executive Chef, Arnaud Delannay, will be leaving us at the end of January. Arnaud has transformed the quality of what we offer from the kitchen, and we will be very sorry to see him go. He leaves to join the Gordon Ramsay organisation, taking charge of three restaurants in the West End. Arnaud will be helping with the recruitment of his successor. Meanwhile, take advantage of his cooking over the next two months!