Bridge Blog

I am pleased to report that the last Real Bridge trial held on Tuesday 20th October was well supported and appears to have been very popular. We have decided to go ahead with a regular Tuesday evening session which we propose to start at 6pm. Victor Lesk has agreed to be our TD for the session. 

The sessions will start on November 3rd at 6pm. I will send out a link to join the session as soon as I have it. Please note that the site is only available via this link an hour or so before the session starts. 

Please do come and join us for some competitive but very sociable Bridge on a Tuesday evening. It really is a pleasure to be able to talk to your partner and opponents between hands while enjoying a great game of Bridge. 


The Teams Bridge League is drawing to a close, the last match is on Friday 30th October. We have had nine teams competing against each other. With one match left to play the top three teams are:


  1. Team 9: Malcolm and Diane Bricknell, Peter Hardyment and Rob Warriner

=2. Team 2: Julie Bacon, Maria Wiehe, Gordon and Sandra Fox

=2. Team 8: Ralph Evers, Peter Bonnor Moris, Ron Wood and Philip Howard


The League will restart on November 13th with a break on November 27th. If you would like to play in the next League could you send your team information to Danny at as soon as possible please.


On Thursday we played a match against Hurlingham Ladies. There were three teams of four ladies and we all managed to play the same hands, no mean feat of organisation. Congratulations to Julie for arranging it so well.  

Unfortunately we did not manage to win but it was a very enjoyable afternoon. Many thanks to Jeanette Reid, Kate Manners, Verena Higgs, Sally Harper, Julie Bacon, Maria Wiehe, Diane Bricknell, Jacky Morton, Mikaela Parker, Lorna Bhasin, Sally Gesua and Kate Blake.


The Business House Leagues have started and congratulations to the Hearts Team who managed a good win over their first opponents, Livesey, 38 to 22 imps. Well played Richard Armstrong, Rita Gallineri, Sandra and Gordon Fox. 


The Diamond Team will start their matches this week. 


Good luck to both teams in their upcoming matches. 


On Monday 9th November our Duplicate session will be a SIMS event in support of Children in Need. Everything will be as normal as far as log in and play is concerned, the SIMS cards will be imported into the Roehampton BBO session. There is no entry fee. However, I would be very grateful if you could donate to Children at Need on  Contributions are voluntary but as you are aware all charities are struggling at the moment and your donations would be very much appreciated. 


Paul continues to entertain and inform with his weekly classes. These are:


Intermediate: Wednesdays at 10.30am

Advanced: Thursdays at 10.15am

Socials: First Sunday of the month at 4pm (November 1st and December 5th).


If you would like to join one of Paul’s classes then please contact him on and he will give you details of how to join.


Other dates for your diary are Paul’s Teams of 4 Specials which are on:


November 6th at 2pm

November 27th at 2pm.

Cost is £5.


Paul will send out a link to join these Zoom Specials in due course. 


Hurlingham Club are running another Swiss Teams event. The 1st Hurlingham Invitational Swiss Teams Online Virtual Cup is on 5th December and will run from 10.30am to approximately 4pm. 

There will be 3 rounds of 5 Boards before lunch and 3 rounds of 5 Boards after lunch.  

If you would like to enter a team then please contact Ellen Lyons directly, the Event Convenor, by email:  

Ellen will send you details of how to register.  

There is an £8 entry fee per team. 


We have now been playing online Bridge for over six months. It has been a real life saver for many. I would remind you though that even if we are not sitting at a Bridge Table in a room with other people, the ethics of the game still apply.  Please can you ensure that when you are playing Duplicate online you are not able to see your partner’s cards while bidding and leading and that you are unable to communicate with them about what to bid or lead. In other words, wherever possible, please try to play in a separate location from your partner and don’t use your phone while bidding and during the play. 


Kate Blake | Bridge Chair