Bridge Blog
Thank you to all those who have put their names forward for the two matches we are playing against AELTC on 8th October and Hurlingham Ladies on 22nd October. The team for the match vs AELTC is now complete but we still need some more players for the match vs Hurlingham Ladies on 22nd October. Please note this is a ladies’ match.
The match will be on BBO and all players must have played on BBO previously and have a BBO user name.
Could anyone interested please sign up as a pair with Julie Bacon at Please let Julie have your pair’s two usernames.
To encourage more of you to put your name forward for friendly Club matches, Paul Mendelson is running two seminars online on the tactics of Teams of Four. These will be on Friday 6th November at 2pm and Friday 27th November at 2pm.
Please put the dates in your diary. Details of how to join the seminars will follow later.
I am pleased to tell you that the Business House League has managed to set itself up online. Our two teams, Diamonds and Hearts, will start their matches in October. Good luck to everyone involved.
I have also been in discussion with the Royal Wimbledon Golf Club Ladies’ Section to see whether we can get this League set up online. I am hopeful that we will be able to run two matches of Teams of 4 against each of the participating Clubs. Obviously, this isn’t perfect but unfortunately the set up for Teams of 8 is very complicated. Once it is confirmed that we can run the League, I will send out invitations to sign up for matches. This League is aimed at Lady Golfers, or ex Lady Golfers.
Thank you to all those who have supported the trial sessions on Real Bridge. We had a good session last night and we are now discussing our options with this platform. I would welcome your comments.
I do hope that you are all well and managing to play Bridge albeit online. If anyone needs any help in getting themselves set up on BBO do let me know on 07771 858947 or and I will do my best to get you some help. Now that we are likely to be online for the rest of the year it would be a pity not to be able to play any Bridge at all.
Kate Blake | Bridge Chair