Club refurbishment
It seems like we should be able to run a full bridge programme (including lessons) during the club refurbishment period of January to April 2025. Essentially the plan is to play in the Bridge Room through to mid or late March, after which bridge will switch to the Fountain Room (or similar) while the Bridge Room is refurbished.
We are grateful to Club Management for phasing the work in such a way as to allow our bridge to continue relatively seamlessly throughout the works period.
Calendar for 2025
The 2025 Bridge Calendar has been out for a few weeks and provides the key dates for competitions and matches scheduled for 2025. Thanks to Ellie for working on this.
There is a little more bunching of home matches in the late spring / early summer to cater for the more restricted Clubhouse availability in January to April, but overall it seems to have come together very well.
As usual there is an extensive programme and there may be an opportunity to later introduce some further fixtures including, hopefully, a match against the House of Lords.
Click here for the 2025 Bridge Calendar
Charity Events
On Tuesday 21st January the Bridge Room will be hosting the Lady Golf Captain’s Charity event. This year it is supporting FiSH, a wonderful local organization dedicated to assisting the elderly in our community. Further details of this very worthwhile and fun event are available on the noticeboard and sign up is at Reception.
Malcolm Bricknell, Bridge Chair