Bridge Blog

As you read this I will be away, walking in the foothills of the Dolomites and sampling the delicious local food and wine which the region has to offer. (Either that or I’ll be sampling the not so delicious food at Heathrow airport watching dejectedly as cancelled planes stay grounded on the tarmac!).

Anyway, speaking of delicious food and wine, don’t forget to sign up for our Summer Party Barbecue on Saturday 18th June.

♥  Pimms
♥  Barbecue – selection of mains, salads, dessert, tea/coffee
♥  Fun Chicago Bridge with an assortment of prizes for an assortment of reasons!

STOP PRESS! The price has been reduced to £28 (£33 guests).

After a generous subsidy from the bridge section coffers, I am pleased to report that we have been able to reduce the price of this event from that previously advertised.

(All those already paid will have been contacted to receive a refund).

Please do join us – book with the team at Reception, give them a call on 020 8480 4200 or log into the Members’ website at and book online.

If you would like to attend but don’t have a partner, please get in contact with me and I will try to match you up.

Just William!

I am delighted to report that our youngest member of the bridge section – William Battersby, has been selected for the England Under 16s in the Junior European Team Championships, 19-27 July in the Netherlands. Congratulations Will and we wish you every success in the competition.

Surrey Ladies Tennis Bridge League

Well done to our Roehampton Club team – Belinda Stone, Val Lanceley, Caroline Jenkins, Kate Blake and Sue Norgate, who came third in the above competition, missing second place by just 1 imp.

June dates to note

Friday 10th June – Bridge/Croquet internal competition. Full details on the Bridge noticeboard in Reception.
Friday 17th June – monthly Team Practice- sign up on the bridge noticeboard in Reception.
Tuesday 21st June – Bridge Match vs RAC

A friendly, social introduction to Duplicate Bridge, 11th July 7pm

This session is specifically aimed at those who have recently attended a series of beginners/improvers bridge lessons or for our social bridge players who haven’t played Duplicate Bridge before but would like to try it.

Click here for the poster and full information

Juan-Les-Pins Bridge Tournament

Staying on the theme of summer holidays, Danny and Sally Gesua recently played in a Bridge tournament in the South of France as Danny reports below.

Sally and I played this week (for the fourth time) in the Juan-les-Pins bridge tournament (actually held in Antibes). We have also played before in similar tournaments in Deauville and in Biarritz, all of which are great fun, with a wide international participation and of a high standard (we played against Philippe Cronier this week, a multiple European and Seniors world champion!), but which is open to all competent players.

I set out below links to the forthcoming Deauville, La Baule and Biarritz tournaments in case you are interested in participating.

‘This was an interesting hand we played.  We reached a contract of 5D Doubled by East, after East had bid strongly in Spades’.

See if you can work out how to play it before seeing all four hands.

Lead : S7


A 10
A 8 6 5
K 10 9 6 5 3


A 9
K Q J 4
Q J 10 7 4
J 7

A Club lead would result in 1 down (2 Clubs and the DK), but West led the S7.  It is clear that East has all the Defenders’ points and must be end-played for the contract to make. 

It is necessary to assume East has a doubleton King of Diamonds, and consequently, the play goes:

SA and ruff a Spade to eliminate the suit.
DA (no point in the finesse).
HA, HK, HQ, to which East follows suit, and the HJ.

If East trumps with his DK, he is end-played, and must lead a Club or play a Spade to give a ruff and discard.

If he does not ruff the HJ, a small D is played to his DK and he is again end-played. The key play is the DA at trick 3, as it removes East’s exit card (the D2).

This was the full hand:

A 10
A 8 6 5
K 10 9 6 5 3

K Q J 10 8
9 8 5
K 2
A Q 8

7 6 5 4 2 
7 6 3 2   
9 3  
4 2

A 9
K Q J 4
Q J 10 7 4
J 7


Julie Bacon, Bridge Chair