Bridge Blog

 Ukraine Appeal Fundraising

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Ukraine appeal collection. We raised a total of £585 over the three sessions. Funds will be paid via the Disaster Emergency Committee (DEC)

Congratulations to Roehampton Club Ladies winning the Royal Wimbledon Ladies Bridge League.

Report from Kate Blake, Captain:

Over the winter months Roehampton Club played in the Royal Wimbledon Golf Club Ladies Bridge League. Our teams of 8 have had an amazing run beating:

Sunningdale GC by 29 imps, Burhill GC by 129 imps, Royal Mid Surrey GC by 29 imps, St George’s Hill GC by 39 imps and Royal Wimbledon GC by 30 imps.

Though not officially confirmed yet I am sure that we have won the League for the first time in the five  years we have participated in it.

Many thanks and congratulations to all those ladies who have played in the various matches, Viv Harris, Sally Gesua, Marion Tamblyn, Loulou van Geuns, Wendy Gilbert, Sandra Fox, Claire Martin, Marion Kreling, Libby Dand, Linda Wareham, Kate Manners, Julie Bacon and Kate Blake

Teams Trophy – Monday 11th April 1.30pm

There is a signup sheet for the Teams of Four competition on the bridge noticeboard in Reception. Please sign up as a team of four but if you don’t have a four, you could add your names as a pair so that another pair could join you.

Next Team Practice – Friday 22nd April 1.30pm.

This is an informal team practice session which takes place in the bridge room. It is a good opportunity to practice for matches with your regular teammates. There is a sign-up sheet on the bridge noticeboard in Reception.

Bridge Summer Party – Saturday 18th June 2022

It’s a way ahead but please do make a note of the date in your diary. This is a change to the date scheduled in our printed calendar and is also a switch from the usual Thursday to a Saturday. We are trialling a Saturday this year as the Club is less busy on the weekend evenings and this gives us more flexibility.

Reminder – Loulou’s Supervised Bridge

Please note that the following two sessions will not take place over the Easter period – 12th and 19th April.

No other news to report but here is an interesting slam hand sent in by Danny:

 Sally and I suffered an adverse swing in our EBU Lockdown League match this week.   This occurred when I bid a Slam which went down, although it can (and perhaps should) make >>> See below.

At the other table, West passed and North opened 1NT which makes it easier to stop in game.

At our table, West made a very aggressive 3 Club opening bid. Sally bid 4 Clubs to show both majors.  This made my hand huge, with a Club void, 5 Hearts and a semi solid Diamond suit.   On the bidding, I was expecting the Diamond King to be with East.   East’s bid of 5 Clubs made it impossible to consult and I decided to bid the slam.

The slam can be made if I drop the singleton Diamond King with West.   This requires a classic “Discovery Play”, but I missed it at the table!  After the lead of a Club to East’s Club King, I went to dummy and immediately finessed the Diamond Queen.  On reflection, I should deduce from the lead and play to the first trick that East holds both the Ace and King of Clubs! If I then lead a Spade to the King and East wins with the Ace, it becomes obvious that the Diamond King is with West (for his bid) and my only option is then to play the Diamond Ace and drop the singleton Diamond King!


Julie Bacon, Bridge Chair