Bridge Blog

Summer seems to have finally arrived and it is encouraging to see that our numbers in the Bridge Room have remained quite steady with many of us choosing to keep playing throughout the year.

As most people are aware, we have had a few changes on the Bridge Committee. Emma Neate is standing down as Bridge Liaison to allow Fiona Pollard to take on this role. We are very grateful to Emma for her support in this role but also happy that Fiona can stay on the team.

John Maskell has kindly agreed to take over the beginners’ role from Fiona in addition to the important job he has been doing in running the website. I am sure that we all understand and appreciate how important these contributions, and other similar, are to the smooth running of the Bridge Section.

Club Matches

We had a good win by 34 imps in our home match against RAC Woodcote Park on 13th June. This is always an enjoyable fixture and for anyone who has not done it, it is well worth the trip down the A3 for the away leg. Congratulations to the team captained by Ron on a good result.

Our away match on 15th June against the RAC Pall Mall was very close with Roehampton Club eventually losing by the slender margin of 7 imps. Diane and Julie apparently made a good slam after a good Jakoby sequence which helped the cause. RAC fielded a strong team and all in all it was a good result in a very even match.

Internal Competitions

Thanks to Ron for organising the internal croquet and bridge event on 14th June. This was a good start to the combined events we have scheduled. It is great to see we already have a strong sign up for the Bridge and Golf competition scheduled for 2nd August.

Our internal tennis and bridge event is not planned until September, but there are a few combined external matches in the calendar over the summer before then that should be good fun for people interested to play in these.

Social Events

As reported in my last blog, the Summer Party on 6th June was a great success – thanks again to Libby for the organisation.

We are now studying possibilities for an event in September as part of the EBU Festival of Bridge. Following that we will be looking forward to hosting (and many of us competing in) the Roehampton Club Swiss Teams Challenge Cup on 20th October.

It was really good to catch up with Paul Mendelson at our duplicate session on 1st July and to learn how his career is prospering with the serialisation of his novels under preparation. Should hopefully make for some good viewing in due course …

Malcolm Bricknell, Bridge Chair