Bridge Blog
The Annual Bridge Christmas Party!
Saturday 3rd December
It is always a fun and very enjoyable evening so please make a note in your diary. Dinner followed by Chicago bridge with prizes.
If you don’t have a partner, please get in contact with me ( and I will try to pair you up with someone. The bridge is all a bit of fun so do come along – you won’t find a poker face among us!
Click here for the poster
Wednesday Evening Duplicates
Effective from 2nd November the Wednesday evening duplicates start at 7pm instead of 7.30pm. This change was in response to the survey we recently circulated; we will trial this new earlier start time for 6 months.
Hope to see many more of you Wednesday evenings!
Paul Mendelson – Live in the Bridge Room
Friday 10am: 11th, 18th, and 25th November- Supervised Play.
Wednesday 10.30am: 16th and 23rd November-Intermediate Lesson.
Don’t miss the opportunity to attend Paul’s informative and entertaining classes.
Whatever the topic there is always something new to learn; and I am certainly aiming to attend- and as Rita remarked to me recently, ‘It’s good to be hauled in front of the headmaster from time to time’!
Introduction to Duplicate – 12th December
If you have recently attended a series of classes or just haven’t played duplicate before and would like to try it out, this is the session for you. Please make a note in your diary and come along.
Click here for the poster with full details and how to register.
Report on Queens’ Centenary Cup: 16th October 2022 at Hurlingham Club
By Danny Gesua
This annual event pits the Club against Queens, Hurlingham, Cumberland and the All England LTC. Roehampton Club won the event on the two previous years when it was played (2019 and 2021).
On this occasion, we came second to Hurlingham who won by a large margin, although we beat them in our head-to-head match. In addition, Hurlingham had an unusual run of luck in that they gained 109 IMPs from just five Boards, entirely through incomprehensibly bad play by their opponents.
It was an enjoyable day, with a good dinner and a pleasant atmosphere. The Roehampton Club team was Danny (captain) and Sally Gesua, Viv Harris and Paul Ambrus, Peter Bonnor-Moris and Ralph Evers and Philip Howard and Peter Hardyment.