Bridge Blog

It has been wonderful to be able to go through the gates and into the Club and enjoy playing golf and tennis with someone from outside the household. It almost feels normal …

Unfortunately, I do not think bridge will be back in the Bridge Room any time soon, so we need to make sure that everyone is happy with the online bridge that we are running.

I would be grateful for some feedback on the number of boards that we play in a Duplicate Session. We currently play eighteen boards on a Monday and Wednesday afternoon and twelve on a Thursday afternoon. We do have the option to increase the number of boards played to 24.

♠ Would people like either the Monday or Wednesday sessions to be about 45 minutes longer and have more boards?

♣ Would you like both to be 24 boards?

♥ Would you like the Thursday session to increase to 18 boards?

♦ Please email me your comments at

We are also trialling one of our friendly matches online. On 16th June we need four pairs to play in a friendly match vs RAC Pall Mall at 1pm. If you would like to be considered for this intermediate match, please let Julie Bacon know at Please enter as a pair and send her both your BBO usernames. I would be grateful if you could register your interest with Julie as soon as possible but by 5th June at the latest.

The Teams League will come to an end on 5th June when all the Round Robin matches will have been completed. A final will be played between the top two teams of each league some time the following week.

We hope to start the next League on 12th June should there be sufficient interest to run a second league. If you would like to enter a team, please let Danny know before the 1st June. We are very keen to encourage more teams to enter. We play twelve boards against one other team each Friday at about 1.30pm. It takes about an hour and a quarter to complete and is very enjoyable. The computer works out the Imps score so it is very simple to play, the only challenge is the bridge …

Paul’s lessons are very popular, and the Bridge Committee is very grateful to him for running such enjoyable sessions. If you haven’t tried them out and would like to please email Paul at to get a link to join a class. It is well worth it.

Tim Chanter is running his Beginner Lessons online with great success and I would like to thank him and Val Lanceley for all their hard work in making the lessons so accessible and enjoyable.

I am sad to tell you that Danuta Lyon died peacefully on 25th May following a long illness. I am sure she will be greatly missed by many of you here in the Bridge Section.

I do hope that you are all well and looking forward to the gradual easing of lockdown, even if bridge is not included in it …

Hope to see some of you, in passing, on the golf course.

Kate Blake | Bridge Chair |