Bridge Blog

Dear All,

Many apologies for postponing the Drinks Party on 1st July. With current guidelines allowing only 30 people to mix outside it was just not possible to hold.

Felicity has provisionally booked Thursday 2nd September as a replacement date.

As we hope to have a busy schedule of Bridge in the autumn this will be a Drinks Party only, with a separate Chicago event running afterwards. This will be very much along the lines of our original July plans.

Please keep the date free. Further details will follow as soon as possible.

We plan to hold our first Duplicate session in the Bridge Room on 19th July at 1.30pm.

In order to comply with guidelines please be aware of the following information:

1. Only 10 tables in play (maximum).
2. There will be no money collected on the day. Each session will need to be booked and paid for before the start.  Cost is £3 per person. This will be possible on the Club’s online booking system via the Members’ website or at Reception. You will be able to book and pay as a pair.
3. Wear mask in Clubhouse up to the Bridge Room.
4. On entry, masks can be removed, (optional), hands to be sanitised with a sanitiser at the door.
5. Find a table quickly and do not wander around. Score cards will be on the table.
6. At each table there will be sanitiser and a box of wipes.
7. Bring own Bidding Boxes and pens/pencils.
8. Only North to touch Bridgemate. She/he can tell everyone pertinent facts, should they want them.
9. Cards in Boards to circulate as normal. Whoever is passing the Boards on, will wipe the Boards with the wipes at each table.
2 sets of Boards will be in play so only 5 people will touch each set of cards. (max number)
10. There will be no tea break.
11.The Club will clean the tables and arm surfaces before and after the sessions and ensure that the tables are adequately spaced.

Please note the requirement to bring your own Bidding Boxes and pens/pencils. If you do not have a bidding box we can loan you one from the Club. You will be responsible for its safe return as and when things return to normal …

Assuming everything goes according to plan then we hope to run three sessions a week in the Bridge Room initially:

Monday:  Duplicate at 1.30pm
Thursday:  Chicago at 1.30pm

The day of the second Duplicate session will be confirmed as and when I can secure a TD for the session. I am looking at either a Wednesday or Thursday evening.

We will continue to run an online session. This will be either a Wednesday or Thursday afternoon, depending when the face-to-face session is.

Once we have gauged interest, I would ideally like to get all sessions up and running in the Bridge Room from September.

Please do not come to any session if you feel unwell, have a temperature or have a persistent cough. 

Congratulations to Philip, Ron, Peter B-M and Ralph who represented Roehampton Club in the Wanborough Cup. This is an event organised by Surrey County Bridge for affiliated clubs’ teams’ champions.
It was held on Realbridge this year and 16 teams entered. Roehampton won eight out of their twelve matches and finished in joint sixth place behind Mayfield who were the overall winners.

Congratulations also to Rita and Loulou; Danny, Peter BM; Sandra and Gordon; Maria and Julie for a very convincing 51 imps victory over the RAC Pall Mall.

There are two more dates for your diary:

  1. Bridge Match vs RAC Woodcote on 22nd July

We hope that this will be face-to-face bridge followed by a dinner.

4.30pm bridge followed by supper
4 pairs needed

Please sign up as a pair to by Monday 5th July

  1. Tennis/Bridge match vs Hurlingham on 27th July

11am Tennis followed by lunch then bridge
4 pairs needed

Please sign up as a pair to by Monday 5th July

I am really looking forward to welcoming you all back into the Bridge Room soon.

Kate Blake, Bridge Chair