Bridge Blog
Table Money
As from Monday 7th March, table money will be increased to £4 for all Bridge Room duplicates. This increase was due to take place last year but was postponed due to the changing Covid-19 situation. Unfortunately, our current table money charge means we are running at a loss and is not sustainable.
June Cowling
It with sadness I announce the death of a long-standing bridge Member, June Cowling, who passed away on 14th February at the age of 91.
A funeral service will be held at Mortlake Crematorium on Thursday 3rd March at 4pm. The service will be followed by a reception at Roehampton Club to which all are welcome. June will be greatly missed by her many friends at the Club.
Friday Bridge Supervised Session with Paul Mendelson
Just a reminder that Friday Morning with Paul Starts next Friday 4th March in the bridge room. 10.00-12.45
Members £10 per session
No need to pre-book, just arrive from 9.45am on the day.
This session offers almost 3 hours of supervised play, set hands and the (in)famous bidding quiz, all in the friendliest atmosphere. Open to bridge players of all levels, there is always something new to be learnt, a play to be understood, and revelation to be had.
Come on you own, with a partner, or with a group of friends.
Upcoming Matches
Sign-up sheets for the following matches will be posted on the bridge board in reception.
16th March – Royal Mid Surrey Away at 10.30am + lunch for 6 pairs
24th March – MCC at home at 4.30pm + dinner for 4 pairs.
Please contact Simon Lucas with any questions.
Dates to note – Internal Events, January-April
Next Team Practice- Friday 18th March 1.30pm
Teams of 4 internal monthly competition. Sign up on the board in Reception. If you don’t have a regular four, try putting your names down as a pair so others may add their names to make up a team.
Please note the April team practice date has been moved from 15th April (which is Good Friday) to 22nd April.
Miller Cup- Sunday 20th March 1.30pm
This is an individual event – you do not need a partner. A sign-up sheet will be available on the bridge board in Reception a few weeks in advance but do make a note in your diary now.
British Spring Sims Pairs- Monday 4th April 1.30pm
Details to follow later
Teams Trophy- Monday 11th April 1.30pm
Teams of four competition – a signup sheet will be available on the Bridge Notice Board