Bridge Blog

Dear All,
There is not much to report this week.
All our Duplicate sessions are continuing and are generally well attended.
A quick reminder please that if you are making a bid on BBO that is not natural you must self alert that bid. There is a box for you to provide an explanation at the same time as alerting. If you don’t automatically put in the explanation you must respond immediately should your opponents ask you to explain the bid. This must be done via the Explanation button and not in the general chat. Please try and answer quickly as the other 2 players at the table are unaware of what is causing the delay in the bidding.

And please, don’t forget your manners at the table. There is no place for rudeness and aggressive behaviour whilst bidding and playing. All our Duplicate sessions and team events do not effect your NGS rating so there is no need to get “stressed”.  Please stay patient and courteous at all times.

Paul has started up a new class on a Friday morning, where you play 4 set hands on Real Bridge at 10am and then reconvene on Zoom at 11.30am to discuss the hands. There will be time to play more hands then just the 4 set by Paul, on Real Bridge, if you want to play more. Paul will be available on the Director button for assistance in bidding/playing should you need it.

If you would like to participate in this class then please email Paul on and he will send you the link for the two platforms.

Paul is also running some Duplicate specials. The next one is on 26th Tuesday January at 2pm. The format is to play 15 or 16 Boards of Duplicate Bridge on Real Bridge and then join Paul on Zoom for an analysis of the hands paying particular attention to Duplicate strategy and tactics. The cost is £7 for the session. If you would like to join please email Paul on for the links.

Julie had a good response to the Hurlingham match to be played on Real Bridge on 25th February and I am pleased to say that we now have another date for your diary:

Thursday 4th March – 4.30pm vs MCC
Teams of 8

4 matches x 5 boards

This is again on Real Bridge. If you would like to be considered for the match please email Julie on by the closing date of Monday 8th February.

Please only sign up if you have experience of playing on Real Bridge and are comfortable with the format.

Roehampton Club had a narrow win against Royal Mid Surrey GC in the Royal Wimbledon Golf Club Ladies League. Well played to Viv Harris, Sally Gesua, Marion Tamblyn, Loulou van Geuns, Gunilla Huldt, Claire Martin, Sandra Fox and Kate Blake.

I do hope that all of you are continuing to enjoy the online Bridge and hopefully we will be able to meet in person soon.

Kate Blake | Bridge Chair