Bridge Blog

There is a lot of news to report in this blog so please keep going to the end!

Important notice – Wednesday Evening Duplicates

Effective from 2nd November the Wednesday evening duplicate will start at 7pm instead of 7.30pm.

This change was in response to the survey we recently circulated; we will trial this new earlier start time for 6 months.

Hope to see many more of you Wednesday evenings!

WhatsApp Partner Finder

Also, in response to the survey we have set up a WhatsApp group to help Members find partners for social or duplicate bridge. This is particularly useful for those people who are new to the bridge room or club.

Please do give it a go and post a message. You can join the group by opening the link on your phone.

An important date for your diary: the Annual Bridge Christmas Party!

This will be held on Saturday 3rd December – details will be posted soon. It is always a fun and very enjoyable evening so please make a note in your diary.


Other dates to note

Paul Mendelson will be returning to London and be teaching live in the bridge room on the following dates.

Wednesday 10.30am: 16th and 23rd November – Intermediate Lesson

Friday 10am: 11th, 18th, and 25th November – Supervised Play

No Fears Tournament 2022


Congratulations to Diane Bricknell and Henryka Bonnor-Moris who won the No Fears Trophy last Thursday. This is a handicapped competition which is contested by the regular Thursday players.


It was very close fought for first and second place right to the end between the winners and the eventual second-place pair of Margaret Harrop and Emile Fernandes.


This competition was last played in 2019 due to the Covid disruption and that year won by Margaret Harrop and her late husband Peter.


It was exciting to see if she would prevail again, but Margaret and Emile were eventually pipped at the post by the winners. Third place was Belinda Stone and Maria Wiehe.

Match vs All England club- Played Thursday 6th October


This is a competition against the All-England Club played twice yearly for the Irene Hough Trophy.

I am pleased to say that Roehampton Club retained the cup having won this earlier in the year.


The team were – Julie Bacon (Captain), Rita Gallinari- Jones, Malcolm Bricknell, Ralph Evers, Sally and Danny Gesua, Viv Harris, and Jeanette Reid. Congratulations to all.


(image) Alan Lovell, The All England Captain presenting the trophy.

And finally – last but not least, your new Committee


I am delighted to report that at the AGM on Monday we appointed the following Members to the Bridge Committee.

Fiona Pollard – Continues with responsibility for Bridge beginners and development.
Libby Dand- Social Events
Sue Dodson – Treasurer
Liz Dodds – Internal Golf/Tennis Bridge matches
Ellie Elliott- External Matches Convenor
Viv Harris – Continues as Bridge Liaison Director

And you are stuck with me for another year as Chair!

Thanks were extended to the outgoing Members of the committee Felicity Irlam, Simon Lucas and Ralph Evers for their support and commitment to the bridge section over the previous 3-4 years.

The details of the new committee Members will be on the noticeboard along with our contact details. If you have any queries or comments, please do get in touch.

Also, the minutes of the AGM will be posted on the board in due course.

Julie Bacon, Bridge Chair