Bridge Blog

April has been a busy month in the bridge room with new activities taking place …

We held two trial bridge teaching sessions with a new teacher, which were well attended and well received.

Further information about these classes will be circulated to those who have expressed an interest and will also be posted on the Bridge noticeboard in Reception. Information about all teaching and activities can also be found on our Bridgewebs pages here.

Turkey / Syria Earthquake appeal

This week we played our three regular duplicates as part of a simultaneous pairs event in aid of the Earthquake appeal. A Sims event is one where the same hands are played at Bridge clubs across the UK and beyond, which means that in addition to the club score, results are also scored against all the other clubs taking part.

Commentary on the hands is then made available.

Table money and additional donations collected, will be donated to the fund, and I will include the final total in my next blog.

For Monday’s session, although we had a small turn out in our bridge room, in total there were 379 pairs playing at 28 clubs in 6 countries and many congratulations go to our Roehampton Club pair – Kate Blake and Sue Norgate who came 3rd overall!

Mentoring session – Thursday

Last Thursday we held a ‘mentoring session’ to encourage new players into duplicate, whether they be recent ‘graduates’ of lessons or those who play bridge regularly but haven’t yet tried duplicate.

Fiona Pollard did a sterling job of encouraging the more reticent into the Bridge Room and paired people with regulars who had volunteered to partner the newcomers. We had a full house of 16 tables which sent us scurrying for additional bridge tables and chairs just before the start.

Thanks go to Gitte who coped with the additional numbers calmly and efficiently and thanks also go to the helpers – Ron Wood, Liz Dodds, Arnold Tunbridge, Sue Dodson and Claire Martin for partnering some of our newcomers.

Thanks also go to the regulars who having been taken by surprise by a room full of new players, were extremely gracious and helpful in making everyone feel welcome.

Wednesday duplicate start time

The results for the poll on Members’ preferences for Wednesday’s duplicate session start time, indicate that the majority 62% / 38% are in favour of the current 7pm start time remaining.

Thank you for participating and sorry if it is not the result you hoped for, but it is a significant majority.

Future dates to note

Bridge Summer Party – Thursday 1st June

Now spring has finally made an appearance, our thoughts and planning are turning to our annual Bridge Summer Party.

Please save the date – more information will follow.

And for July

Paul Mendelson – back in the Bridge Room.

Members will be pleased to hear that Paul will be back teaching ‘live’ in the Bridge Room during the morning on the following dates:

Wednesday 12th and 19th July – Intermediate

Friday 14th and 21st July – ‘Traditional Friday with Paul’

Julie Bacon, Bridge Chair