Bridge Blog
Dear All,
We will not be running a-once-a-month Teams Event at the weekend. The responses we have had about this showed that there was little interest in such an event.
However, there are many opportunities to play more Bridge online in Club matches and in Charity events.
Julie has already organised two online matches this year one against Hurlingham on 25th February and one against The MCC on 4th March.
Here are details of a third match:
Thursday 18th March, 2.00pm vs Royal Mid-Surrey GC
6 pairs required
18 boards to be played on BB
If you would like to play in this match please sign up as a pair by e-mailing by the closing date of Monday 1st March
I have also been sent details of two online charity events:
1 – The Richmond Park Friends of Shooting Star Children’s Hospices invite you to a Virtual Bridge Afternoon between Monday 22nd and Friday 26th February 2021
If interested please:
a Email Frances Dinnick at with the names of the players on your table.
b Organise a game through BBO or Trickster at a time of your choosing that week.
c Send your scores by Monday 1st March to Pauline Gore at (Chicago scoring.) There’ll be prizes for the top three scores.
d Make an online donation into the account their Treasurer keeps for Shooting Star Children’s Hospice events. They are suggesting £15 each, but of course they would be delighted with more! Details as follows:
Mrs AJ Muxworthy
Sort Code: 20-25-21 (Barclays) Account No: 13141470 Reference: Bridge
2 – March 5th on Real Bridge Worplesdon Golf Cub is hosting an event in aid of Dan’s Fund
Dan’s Fund is a small but incredibly effective charity designed to help adults affected by burns recover and rebuild their lives. See more from Polly Brooks, the founder on the website
Online Duplicate – the number of rounds and boards will be determined based on the number of entries received. All abilities welcome, and no experience of Duplicate is necessary. It will be relaxed, social, and fun!
TIMING:- Play will start promptly at 7pm, and should last approximately two and a half hours.
COST: – £10 per player + any other donation amount you would like to make.
TO ENTER: – Please email Alistair Heddle ( with your name, partner’s name, email address(es) and contact number(s). He will then send you details of how to send your entry- amount and donation, and how to participate in trial sessions on Real Bridge beforehand if you wish.
Finally, I am very sorry that I forgot to send out the link to Tuesday’s Real Bridge session. I had spent such an engrossing afternoon at Paul’s excellent Duplicate Special session that I completely forgot. Apologies. Please be aware that the link is the same each week so if my forgetfulness becomes a bad habit you do all have the link for the session.
I do hope that you are all well and that most of you have had at least your first jab. Who knows when we will be allowed back into the Bridge Room but at least it is a start in the right direction.
I really hope that I will be able to see many of you back at the Club soon.