Bridge Blog
Following the introduction of new government COVID guidelines, exploratory talks with Tristan about the possibility of reopening the Bridge Room have been put on hold indefinitely. I think we will be playing online for a while yet.
We are therefore actively exploring the new online platform Real Bridge which allows more socially interactive Bridge. You can both hear and see your partner and opponents. I would be grateful if all those who tried out the Real Bridge on Wednesday night could let me know what they thought of the bidding, play, graphics, etc etc.
I appreciate that many of you are happy with BBO but a lot of people have asked me for a Duplicate session in the evening and as this is very difficult to do on BBO I thought it was worth trying a new platform to see if we could run an evening session. I like the bidding and play on Real Bridge and appreciate being able to see and hear my partner. Please let me know what you think on
On Club advice we are cancelling our AGM which was due to be held on 19th October. We will send out written reports for you to read on 19th October. If any of you have any questions in the meantime for the Committee please email them to me at and I will try to answer them in the reports.
Julie has organised two matches:
1 On Thursday 8th October vs AELTC – 4 pairs are needed
2 On Thursday 22nd October vs Hurlingham Ladies. Six Pairs are needed. Please note this is for ladies only.
If you would like to be considered for one or other of the matches please email your interest to Please enter as a pair.
Please note pairs must have experience of using BBO and have a BBO username.
The Third Teams’ League is entering its third week with 9 teams competing. We are keen to encourage more people to get involved in Team matches, both these internal ones and Club matches, so I am delighted to announce that Paul has agreed to run two seminars focusing on Teams’ strategy. These are scheduled for:
Friday 6th November at 2pm
Friday 27th November at 2pm
More details will follow nearer to the date but please put in your diary now
There is still space for one team to enter the Hurlingham Swiss Team Event on 10th October. If you would like to enter a team, please let me know and I will send you the link to register.
I have been sent an invitation to another Swiss Teams Competition – this one is being run by the MCC. Unfortunately, it is the same weekend as Hurlingham’s, but I hope that there are some people who would like to enter a team.
Please see the invitation below:
Bridge Society Mixed Swiss Teams Competition
Sunday 11th October, 2020 at 10.30 Bridge Base Online
£20 per team of four.
Each team of four must comprise at least one gentleman and one lady and all the team members should be regular players at your club.
The teams will play 6 x 6-board matches with an extended lunch break at the end of round three. The event will be in Swiss format, which means that teams with similar scores will always be matched against each other after every round.
Only conventions commonly used in most duplicate bridge clubs may be used. The event is expected to conclude by 17.00. By submitting this form, you are applying for an MCC event.
Further details, including confirmation that your entry is accepted, will be sent by the end of September at the very latest. Payment will not be taken until your team is confirmed.
Enjoy your Bridge and hope to see some of you at the Club.
Kate Blake | Bridge Chair