Bridge Blog

It has been decided after much discussion to amend the policy on who can play in the Bridge Room. The policy will now be:


Anyone can play in the Bridge Room if they are double vaccinated or have proof of a negative lateral flow test within 12 hours of the session. 

This change will take place with immediate effect, but our policy will be kept under constant review.


We currently have three sessions ‘live’ in the Bridge Room:

Monday 1.30pm: Duplicate

Thursday 1.30pm: Chicago

Thursday 7.30pm: Social Duplicate


It was lovely to see so many of you enjoying the free-flowing drinks and canapés at the summer party on 2nd September.  We had a good turnout of 61 people, and 36 people stayed on to play Chicago. Congratulations to Marion Tamblyn and Arnold Tunbridge for their magnificent winning score and to Walter Demuth for holding the balloon for winning a trick with the two of Clubs at the end of the evening. I’d like to thank Felicity for all her hard work in organising such an enjoyable evening and also Francesca and her team.


Many thanks to Ron for organising our first inter section day. On Friday 24 people participated in a morning of Golf Croquet followed by an afternoon of 18 Boards of Duplicate Bridge.


Congratulations to Sue and Mike Tumath for winning the Croquet and to Diana and Andrew Wilson for winning the Bridge.


Many congratulations to the day’s overall winners Ron Wood and Nigel Aspinall.


Roehampton played Royal Mid Surrey on 7th September in their annual golf and bridge match. Viv reports:

The team included Viv Harris and Ralph Evers; Libby Dand and Nigel Brown; Marie and Roger Perry and Pippa and Derek Lyons.   

The RMS team on this occasion was just too good and we lost both the golf and bridge matches. A great day was had by all in glorious sunshine on the J H Taylor course which was in very good condition. We look forward to a more successful home match next year.


The second bridge match this year against the RAC Woodcote Park was played on 9th September at the RAC. The team for this match was Celia and Nigel Johnson, Jo Eskdale and Emile Fernandes, Belinda Stone and Val Lanceley, Verena Higgs and Sue Norgate.

The result was a win to the RAC club by 37 points. This evened the score with our (greater 57) win in the earlier home match.


November Match dates to note – Sign-up sheets on the notice board will be available soon. Or e-mail

All Away Matches 

Thursday 11th November- Carlton Club

Wednesday 17th November- Royal Wimbledon Golf Club

Thursday 25th November – Coombe Hill Golf Club


The MCC Bridge Society’s Mixed Swiss Teams Competition will take place on Real Bridge on Sunday 10th October. The event will be played in six rounds of seven boards starting at 11am and finishing around 17.30 with a 45-minute break for lunch. The entrance fee is £20 per team. Please note that each team must be mixed i.e. include at least one member of the opposite sex. At the moment MCC are only allowing one entry from each club, so if you would like to enter please let me know on 

First come, first served. If more people are interested there may be scope for another team, but no guarantee.


Paul’s lessons will start online next week – w/c 20th September.


His current scheduled programme is:

Tuesday at 2pm:  Duplicate Extra

Wednesday at 10.30am: Intermediate

Thursday at 10.15am: Advanced

Friday at 10am: Friday morning with Paul


All sessions will involve both zoom and Real Bridge and will cost £7 per lesson.

If you would like to join any of the sessions and are not sure how then please contact Paul on and he will send you the link/s.


The Bridge AGM will be on Monday 18th October at 5pm.

Please come along to meet your new Committee.


Kate Blake

Bridge Chair