I do hope that you are all keeping safe and well and that you are coming to terms with having to play bridge online.
Some exciting news just in. Will Battersby, was selected to play in an U16 match for England vs an U21 Welsh team. England won by 105 – 34 with Will and his partner winning their hands by 30 imps. Many congratulations to Will (pictured).
I would like to thank Danny Gesua for all his hard work in getting the Roehampton sessions online. We have three regular sessions:
Monday at 1.30pm
Wednesday at 5.45pm
Thursday at 1.30pm. This is a session aimed at less experienced players where we are playing only 12 Boards, with slightly more time per Board.
Please note the revised time of the Wednesday evening session. Due to overload, BBO have stopped all tournaments on their site between 6pm and 10pm for the time being.
Play is FREE. The Club is very kindly funding the sessions.
We have 152 Members who have registered a username with us and although around 100 of you have played in one or more of our weekly sessions several have not.
Please give it a try. If you are worried about navigating the technology, please do not be. Once in the session it really is very user friendly and Danny has made comprehensive notes, which you can find on the bridge pages of the Members’ website, to help you.
If you would like a practice first, then you can set up a Private Table on BBO with three friends and just play. If you still need help, we will try and provide you with someone to give you guidance at the table. Please let me know if you would like some help at kate11blake@btinternet.com