Bridge Blog

HM Queen Elizabeth II 


Thursday 8th September 2022. We were playing a home match vs RAC Woodcote on this sad and memorable day. We had all been watching the news during the afternoon about the declining health of our Queen, but we put this out of our minds as we settled down to the cards at 4.30pm. A rainbow appeared in the sky around this time which we all commented on and in retrospect seemed quite significant.


I was very grateful to a member of the catering staff who thought to come into the bridge room a couple of hours later and quietly inform us of the Queen’s passing. It was the news we were all expecting I guess, but it still came as a shock.


The match ended, (Roehampton Club won by 17 imp) but our minds were focused more on the enormity of what we had just been told. At dinner, we raised our glasses with a toast to honour our beloved and respected Queen Elizabeth and a few tears were shed. Then followed a second toast to our new King Charles III, as we spoke words that we will all become used to saying, ‘God Save the King’.


Roehampton Club and RAC Woodcote Teams pictured

State Funeral – Monday 19th September – Duplicate Cancelled

As a mark of respect for HM Queen Elizabeth II and in keeping with the Roehampton Club policy to cancel activities on this day, the usual Monday Duplicate will not take place.

Bridge Survey

We have circulated a very short and simple survey to try and gauge the views of our bridge-playing Members. It is very important we try and understand what your preferences are in terms of scheduling and how to best to meet your expectations regarding the regular duplicates. Of course, we are never going to please everyone, but unless we know your views, we can’t take them into account.

Please fill this in and return by Friday 16th September. Thank you.

Royal Wimbledon Bridge League 2021-2022


Many congratulations to the Roehampton Club team who won this year’s bridge league with a convincing margin.


The photograph shows Kate Blake holding the trophy, along with some of the team members who took part. (Marion Tamblyn, Claire Martin, Loulou Van Geuns and Wendy Gilbert).  Congratulations to all who played in this league.

September Dates

♦ Friday 16th September
Team Practice- 1.30pm. Please put a team together and come along. It is good fun and a good opportunity to practice your team tactics. Please also sign up on the board in Reception to give us an idea of numbers attending.

♦ Wednesday 21st September
Golf/Bridge Home match vs Royal Mid Surrey- 8.30 am- Mixed Teams. Please contact Simon to sign up.

♦ Monday 26th September – Internal Golf/Bridge Competition
The day starts at 9am with golf and is followed by a break for lunch and then bridge.

The expected finish time is around 4.30pm.

Please sign up in pairs, but if you would like to play but don’t have a partner then contact Simon who may be able to partner you with someone. (

Please sign up by Monday 19th September.

October Dates

♦  Monday 10th October- British Open Sims (Simultaneous pairs), 1.30pm

Identical boards are played across all participating bridge clubs at the same time in a single event. This means your results are scored across hundreds of other pairs playing at bridge clubs across the country. You also have the benefit of a written commentary available after the event and players can see how they did nationally very soon after the event.

This is an EBU event with masterpoints and prizes for heat winners

♦ Thursday 13th October- 7.30pm- No Fears Trophy
This is our annual trophy for less experienced players/beginners.

Please see the poster and sign-up sheets on the Bridge Notice Boards

♦ Monday 17th October – AGM
5pm All welcome.

♦ Sunday 23rd October- 1.30pm Annual Swiss Teams Challenge Cup
This is a team of four event and is open to teams from other clubs.
The competition ends with dinner and prize giving.

Posters are on the notice boards but if you would like further information or wish to reserve a table, please contact Belinda Stone at

Julie Bacon, Bridge Chair