Bridge Blog

It is wonderful that croquet, the golf course, gardens and tennis courts open(ed) up this week. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look as if the Bridge Room will be included in any re-openings soon but it has been great to see so many of you having a go online.

As we are going to be online for a while yet, we have taken the decision to open our sessions up to non-members but only if they are a guest of a Member: the non-member must play with a Member. The Member is responsible for sending their guest’s username to Danny.

There will a charge of £3 per session for the guest. For ease of administration, please pay for five sessions up front, i.e. £15. I will refund any monies not spent at the end of lockdown.

If you would like to play with a guest please contact me on and I will give you the payment details.

Even if Duplicate isn’t for you, you can still play on BBO with your friends. It is easy to set up a private table and have a good social game. I have found that if you also have a WhatsApp face time call at the same time with your group you are able to chat through what to  bid, just like at the kitchen table.

I would like to thank Paul Mendelson for his wonderful, informative lessons. I know many of you are enjoying them but if you haven’t yet tried one do contact Paul on to get a link to join a class. It is well worth it.

At the last Board meeting it was agreed that in these exceptional times any Committee member who is due to stand down, or stand for re-election, this September may stay on for another year. The Bridge Committee has two members who are due to leave in October, myself and Val Lanceley. The Bridge Committee feel that it would be sensible for the Committee to continue unchanged and Val and I are happy to stay on. However, if any members of the Bridge Section would like to stand for the Committee then we are more than happy to stand aside. I need to let the Club know how the Bridge Section would like to proceed by July so if anyone would like to stand for election this year, please do let me know.

I do hope that you are all well. Please do not hesitate to call me or email me if you need help.

Kate Blake | Bridge Chair