Bridge Blog

We have a few changes on the horizon which I am pleased to say have gone down well with members of the Bridge Section.

After sounding out the feelings of the Members who play most actively at the Wednesday sessions, we decided to change the start date for the Wednesday evening Duplicate Bridge from 7pm to 7.30pm. This change will take place from Wednesday 3rd April. Reminders will be posted in due course.

After some discussions with Club Management, we have been able to abolish the charge for the Supervised Play sessions run on Tuesday afternoons by Loulou and Arnold. This brings this session in line with the Duplicate Sessions (which are also no longer charged) and should spread the benefits of the Club’s support to a wider audience.

This policy took place with effect from and including Tuesday 5th March and represents another generous offer from the Club to support the Bridge Section which we very much appreciate.

Competition results


At the end of February, the Roehampton Club Blue team of Malcolm Bricknell, Peter Bonnor-Moris, Ralph Evers and Philip Howard won this year’s Devonshire Cup, beating the Savile Club in the final, thereby retaining the trophy for Roehampton Club for another year.


The match was close with our team finally winning by the relatively small but useful margin of 540 points. In fact, all three Roehampton Club teams did well and reached the quarter finals of the competition, so really an excellent result.

The Club’s pairs competition was played on 12th and 19th February for the Founders Trophy. The winners for a very impressive second year in a row were Henryka and Peter Bonnor-Moris.


They can now represent Roehampton Club in the Surrey pairs tournament for the Mary Edwards Cup. Really well done against some quite experienced competition.


On 15th February we had our match against Hurlingham competing for the Hurlingham Cup. We fielded a strong team and won by a comfortable margin of around 60 imps in a very enjoyable match.

Lessons, Supervised Play and Workshop

The new workshop session on Friday mornings being run by Niall Igoe started up on 8th March. It was very encouraging to see the course so well attended from the outset and so able to get off to a great start. The sessions will be largely complementary to Niall’s very popular Wednesday sessions and will have a strong focus around different aspects of play based on actual hands.

We hope to move to online registration quite soon for this and other lessons if and when the system for Members to book via the club website is operational and working smoothly.

Lessons are now well underway for the spring term with Niall Igoe running two intermediate sessions at the Club and James Thrower taking the beginners class. There are also online options with Tim Chanter and Paul Mendelson for people used to their teaching.

Great to hear that the Lady Golf Captain’s Charity Bridge event on Tuesday 13th February raised an impressive £750 for the local Small Steps charity which supports parents and carers with children who have motor and sensory impairments. I think this is a great tradition for us to support and congrats to the organizers on another well run event.

Malcolm Bricknell, Bridge Chair