Bridge Blog

There is a lot of bridge being played at Roehampton Club …

I am pleased to report that our regular bridge sessions continue to be well attended and are growing week on week as more Members return to the bridge room.

For the benefit of any newcomers who are not regulars I set out below the various sessions on offer.

If you have any questions or would like further details about any of these sessions, please get in touch with me at

Mondays 1.30pm – Duplicate

Tuesdays 2.00pm – Supervised play with Loulou

Wednesdays 7.30pm – Duplicate

Thursday 1.00pm Jackpot Chicago

Thursdays 7.30pm – Social Duplicate (More relaxed session with less hand and slower pace).

Fridays 10.00am –Set hands, Supervised play, and quiz with our club Professional Paul Mendelson.

Third Friday in the month- 1.30pm Team Practice- Next date – 20th May.

Please sign up on the Bridge Board in reception. If you don’t have teammates, you can try putting down your names as a pair so that another pair can arrange to join you.

Bridge Match vs Coombe Hill (Away) – Tuesday 31st May 8.30am

The golf is in the morning, followed by lunch and bridge in the afternoon. The golf course is one of the best, and the day great fun.

If you are interested in playing in this match, please sign up on the Bridge Board in Reception or contact Simon at

Forthcoming dates to note: June

Friday 10th June- Bridge/Croquet internal competition

Friday 17th June- Team Practice

Saturday 18th June- Bridge SUMMER PARTY

Tuesday 21st June- Bridge Match vs RAC

Match Reports

Congratulations to Peter Hardyment and Malcom Bricknell who won the Surrey County Mary Edwards trophy last Sunday. This is a 5-hour pairs event between all the pairs who had won their clubs’ pairs championships.

RAC Devonshire Cup

The RAC’s Devonshire Cup, is a knock-out bridge teams of four competition which is played in Rubber Bridge format but with duplicated boards. This competition was first played in 1946 and has been going ever since. Roehampton Club are current holders of the trophy having won in 2019 and 2020. (2021 was Covid cancelled).

1st Round match 26th April vs Polish Club

The Roehampton Club Red Team (Sally and Danny Gesua / Viv Harris and Paul Ambrus) got off to a good start with a first-round win of over 2,000 points despite this unlucky slam hand.

Danny reports:

As West, I opened 1 Diamond and North overcalled 1 Spade.  Sally (East) made the sensible/practical bid of 3 No Trumps, which makes easily.

Placing Sally with at least HK and CA for her 3NT bid, and with potentially a 4-loser hand and a Spade void, I thought a slam in Diamonds or Clubs was a very good bet, so I bid 6 Clubs, giving Sally the choice of slams.

Thinking that I might have 6 Diamonds and 5 Clubs, Sally converted to 6 Diamonds.

It made no difference, as neither slam makes against the 4/1 Club split AND the losing Diamond finesse, but I would much rather be in a good but unlucky slam than to miss a good making slam!

The result would have been much closer but for another hand which resulted in a double swing of 1,600 points in Roehampton Club’s favour: 5 Clubs Doubled – 2 by N/S (500 to us) at one table and 3 Hearts Doubled – 4 by E/W (1,100 to us) at the other table!

Well done the Red team.

Quick Links – English Bridge Union (EBU)

My EBU is where Members can check their masterpoints and NGS records, book events, and modify account details and preferences for things like magazine and diary preferences.

If you play regularly in the duplicate sessions at Roehampton Club, you will already be registered with the EBU.

If you do not have a password to access My EBU or not sure what it is, you can get one via the ‘Forgot your password’ link on the login page, provided the EBU has a correct email address.

Julie Bacon, Bridge Chair