Bridge Blog

Bridge Christmas Party- 4th December

Click here for the poster and all the information

I hope many of you are planning to come to the annual Bridge Christmas Party. It will be a perfect opportunity to gather with friends and celebrate our wonderful bridge section after a difficult year.

If anyone wishes to attend and doesn’t have a partner, please let me know and I will put together a group so we can make up pairs for the bridge. ( ).

I understand that you are now able to buy your tickets at Reception and you can also book online via the Members’ website. If anyone has particular dietary requirements that we need to cater for, please also contact Felicity Irlam ( ).


Super Social Supervised Session

(Try saying that after a glass or two of wine!)

As a steppingstone for newcomers to Bridge Duplicates we are hosting a ‘super social’ duplicate on Tuesday 14th December, 7pm to which all beginners and social bridge players are welcome. There will be wine, chocolates and members of the committee present to help make this a fun evening.

The session will-

– introduce and give everyone a go at the handheld Bridgemate computer which keeps track

of scores.

– give a quick intro to the way things work in the room on a duplicate session.

– have a few boards to play.

– have several of the bridge committee present to say hello and get to know people.


If you have recently completed a course of lessons or are social bridge players but haven’t yet ventured into a duplicate session do come along and give this a try.

Any questions, please contact Fiona Pollard – our Beginners and Newcomers Bridge Liaison committee member who is keen to get you involved.


Match Reports

The Diamond team got off to a good start this season in the London Business Houses League (LBHCBA). The red sub-team scored a convincing 40 imp win vs Lavender Blue and then a 16-imp win over London Underground, after coming back strongly in the second half to overturn a first half loss. The team members were Ralph Evers, Peter Bonnor-Morris, Malcom Bricknell and Peter Hardyment.


Surrey Teams of 8 competition

This event will take place online on Sunday 16th January 2022 at 11 a.m. on Realbridge.

This event is the Surrey heat for the EBU Garden Cities Regional final which takes place on Sunday 8th May 2022. A decision on whether this event will be online or F2F has not yet been made.

EBU rules state that all 8 members of the team must be bona fide members of one club.

If you are interested in playing in this event to represent our Club, please contact Simon Lucas (match convenor)


Thanksgiving Service for Tony Dundas

There will be a Service of Thanksgiving for Tony Dundas on Monday 29th November, 2pm at

St Mary’s Church, Barnes. The service will be followed by a reception at the Wetland Centre. To help with numbers Sue Dundas would be grateful if you would confirm your attendance by e-mail to .


Julie Bacon, Bridge Chair