Bridge Blog

News from our Bridge Professional – Paul Mendelson …

Returning live to the Bridge Room, Friday Morning with Paul offers almost 3 hours of supervised play, set hands and the (in)famous bidding quiz, all in the friendliest atmosphere. Open to bridge players of all levels, there is always something new to be learnt, a play to be understood, and revelation to be had.

Come on you own, with a partner, or with a group of friends.

Starts – Friday 4th March
10am to 12.45pm
Members £10 per session
No need to pre-book, just arrive from 9.45am on the day.

Paul’s other classes are currently held on-line, and you can find details here.


Congratulations to our two youngest bridge members, Ned and Will Battersby who were fortunate enough to win the Surrey Schools competition last week at Wimbledon.

They were playing with two of Will’s friends from the under 16 squad which helped them to clinch victory over Haberdashers Aske school.

Excellent result boys – well done!

Ladies Golf Captain Charity Bridge Afternoon 15th February in aid of ‘Regenerate’

The day will consist of twelve hands of Chicago style bridge, followed by high tea. Further information is posted on the notice boards. Sign up is available at Club Reception.


 Next Team Practice – Friday 18th February 1.30pm

Teams of 4 internal monthly competition. Sign up on the board in reception. If you don’t have a regular four, try putting your names down as a pair so others may add their names to make up a team.

Founders Trophy – Monday 21st and Monday 28th February 1.30pm

This competition is played over these two Mondays, so to take part in the competition you must play with the same partner in both sessions.

Miller Cup – Sunday 20th March 1.30pm

This is an individual event- you do not need a partner. A sign-up sheet will be available on the bridge board in Reception a few weeks in advance but do make a note in your diary now.

British Spring Sims Pairs – Monday 4th April 1.30pm

Details to follow later

Teams Trophy – Monday 11th April 1.30pm

Teams of four competition – a signup sheet will be available on the Bridge Notice Board

Julie Bacon, Bridge Chair