Bridge Blog
Many congratulations to our Diamond Team, Peter Hardyment, Malcolm Bricknell, Peter Bonnor Moris and Ralph Evers, who have been competing in the Business House Summer Handicap League. They were very narrowly beaten in the grand final of this event by KPMG who won by 1imp, after the handicap of 12imps was applied.
As Ralph reports the teams were level after 15 of the 16 Boards had been played:
As it happened (we were not aware of this at the time because barometer scoring was not permitted) we were exactly 12 imps ahead after 15 boards, so (after handicap adjustment) the teams were exactly level with one board to play! 4 Hearts was bid and made at both tables, but the KPMG declarer managed to squeeze an extra trick and thereby the 1 imp victory.
‘A big thank you to all our players for all their efforts and for so nearly winning this event.’
Congratulations also to Ron Wood and Nigel Aspinall who won the final of the 2019-20 Winter Rubber Knock Out a couple of weeks ago. They had been waiting to play Gordon and Sandra in the Final for well over a year.
Nigel has kindly volunteered to run a new Knock Out Rubber competition from 1st November. Sign-up sheets will probably go up on 1st October, so watch out for the notices.
Roehampton Club played MCC in our annual golf and bridge match on 20th August. This time we managed to play the bridge face to face.
Viv reports:
‘The Roehampton Club Team of Viv Harris, Peter Bonnor-Moris, Sally and Danny Gesua, Philip Howard, Paul Tustain, Gordon and Sandra Fox won the golf by 7 points to 5 but sadly the MCC excelled at the bridge in the afternoon , winning by 8 points to 4 so the MCC emerged as overall winners 13 – 11.
A couple of the bridge matches were lost by a mere 1 imp so it was very close and all enjoyed the match. The golf course received lots of compliments from our visitors as did the lunch and all aspects of today’s match’.
From week commencing 13th September we will run two Duplicate Sessions in the Bridge Room and keep one online.
Mondays at 1.30pm in the Bridge Room
Wednesday at 2.30pm on BBO
Thursday 7.30pm in the Bridge Room
I do hope that many of you will come and support the sessions.
Please see details below of two Home Bridge matches taking place in October.
Please sign up on the notice board or e-mail
Covid Policy: All participants must be double vaccinated.
All England Lawn Tennis Club – Irene Hough Challenge Cup
Thursday 7th October 2021, 4.30 for 5pm start
Venue: Roehampton Club
Match Fee: £20 (Dinner)
Team: 4 pairs
Closing date for entries Monday 20th September 2021
Hurlingham (Ladies)
Thursday 21st October 2021, 11am for 11.30am start
Venue: Roehampton Club
Match Fee: £15 (Lunch)
Team: six pairs – ladies only
Please sign up on the notice board or e-mail
Closing date for entries Monday 4th October 2021
Our autumn schedule of lessons will start in September
Initially Paul’s lessons will run online and will start Tuesday 21st September
Paul has sent me the following information and schedule for his upcoming lessons:
‘I will be utilising both Zoom meetings and RealBridge at various points for all lessons.
All classes will cost £7 per lesson, and I would be most grateful if you could pay for a group of lessons (or perhaps monthly) opposed to individually, as banking costs are becoming a factor.
Partners can, generally, be found, so do come on your own, as a pair, or even as a table of friends’.
These will be the classes on offer:
Tuesdays 2pm – Duplicate Extra
14-16 boards of duplicate bridge, with some prepared hands, followed by analysis on Zoom.
The prefect way to improve your understanding of Duplicate Pairs tactics and scoring
Wednesdays 10.30am – Intermediate
A selection of example hands, set hands, pre-lesson quiz and full notes. This term we are focusing on bidding, and we will be revising Weak 2s, Transfers and Negative-style Doubles, as well as competitive bidding techniques.
Thursdays 10.15am – Advanced
A selection of example hands, set hands, pre-lesson quiz and full notes. This coaching session concentrates on Duplicate Pairs ideas, looking at partnership agreements, conventions and defensive understandings.
Fridays 10am – Friday Morning with Paul
90 minutes of prepared and random hands, analysis of declarer play methods, and the infamous bidding quiz!
If you haven’t tried Paul’s sessions yet, please give them a try. They are very informative and entertaining.
Tim Chanter will be running a Bidding Refresher course of twelve lessons online starting on Tuesday 14th September at 7pm which is aimed at those Members who have completed Tim’s Beginner Lessons and who would like to gain a little more confidence in their bidding. Following each lesson there will be play, followed up by a written and video commentary on the boards. The course will cost £144 and is payable in advance. Please book at Reception if you would like to enrol.
I am very much looking forward to seeing you at the Summer Party this Thursday evening, 2nd September, at 6pm. Fingers crossed for the weather, so we can enjoy our drinks in the wonderful gardens.
Dates for your diary
18th October: Bridge AGM. This will follow the afternoon Duplicate session, so approx. 5pm.
24th October: Swiss Teams Competition