Bridge Room – Monday 19th July, 2021
The Bridge Room will open on 19th July with the following arrangements in place:
Duplicate session on Monday 19th July at 1.30pm with Steve Foster returning to direct.
There will be no need to book in for this session. We can accommodate up to 14 tables.
We will not be taking cash for the session. The £3 entry fee will be deducted from your Club cards. Prize money will be added to the winners’ cards at the end of the session.
Please note that the cards can only be used if they have been topped up or if you still have some of the money that the Club put back on the cards earlier in the year. The original 2020 levy cannot be used.
There will be sanitiser at the door but there will no sanitisers on individual tables. Please do feel free to bring your own if this is a concern to you.
It is recommend that if you have your own bidding boxes then do bring one. However, the Club bidding boxes will be available for use. If you use a Club one please keep it for the whole session, i.e. carry it round the tables.
The boxes will be cleaned at the end of the session.
Again, Club pencils will be available for use, but please do bring your own if you prefer.
Masks will not need to be worn, However, if you prefer to wear one then please do so.
The revised timetable in place from 19th July will be:
Monday at 1.30pm Duplicate session in the Bridge Room
Wednesday at 2.30pm: Duplicate session on BBO
Thursday at 1.30pm: Chicago in the Bridge Room
Thursday at 7.30pm: Duplicate session on Real Bridge
As there will be no prizes allocated for the online sessions there will be no charge to play online.
If there is enough interest in returning to face-to-face bridge we will run more sessions in the room from September.
The Summer Party will go ahead on 2nd September at 6pm. This will be a drinks party only.
A Chicago fun session will be organised after the Drinks at 7.30pm in the Bridge Room.