
Weekly Events

Teatime Backgammon
Thursdays 4 – 6pm

Online Tuition
Tuesdays 4 – 5.30pm

Monthly Events

Click here for upcoming events and Club Nights

Mulled Wine and Mince Pies Backgammon Evening

For the last ten years the Club’s backgammon section has hosted an annual Mulled Wine and Mince Pies Backgammon Evening. The evening is open to Club Members and members of other London clubs who take part in the London Backgammon League. 2024 saw us with one of our best turnouts with 55 players in attendance.

The mince pies are all homemade; our thanks to Danit Birn, Gill Bray and Judith Dyson for providing such excellent fare. The format for the evening is well proven. Chris Bray, Club Member and Times Columnist, gives a short lecture.


This year’s talk was entitled ‘10,000 Hours?’ The title was taken from Malcolm Gladwell’s book ‘Outliers’ and looked at how long it takes to become an expert backgammon player and how you can improve your game. Following the talk there were multiple eight-player jackpots for players of all standards which continued until closing time.


As well as being an enjoyable evening for Members and guests the evening also raised £350 for local charity, REACT. The charity provides support for low-income families with terminally ill children. One of our guests was so impressed with the work of the charity that he matched our donation with another £350 of his own money which was extremely generous of him.


The picture shows the room set up just before the action started!


For more information about backgammon at the Club please contact Chris at or Gill at

2023-24 Prize Winners


The annual dinner and prizegiving was held in March and the season’s prizes were presented. After we had all enjoyed an excellent dinner the awards went to:


2023 Club Champion

Simon Edwards


2023 Teatime Backgammon Champion

Juergen Schuhmacher


2024 Winter Tournament Winner

Peter Bonnor-Moris


Pictured is Juergen receiving his trophy from Chris Bray.


This year’s summer tournaments have just begun and will run throughout the summer months.

For more information please contact Chris or Gill Bray at or