Backgammon Blog

On Wednesday December 6th we held our annual Mulled Wine and Mince Pie Backgammon evening.


This is open to both Club Members and members from other clubs who take part in the London Backgammon League.


After the festive fare (with mince pies made by Judith Dyson, Danit Birn and Gill Bray), there was a short presentation from Chris Bray.


This year’s theme was ‘The Crazy Ones’ (based on the famous Apple advert of the same title). The final slide is pictured here!


The presentation was followed by multiple eight  -player jackpots which continued until the club closed. Roehampton members, Carmel Brancen and John Tyrwhitt, were among the winners.


Despite the train strike we had just under fifty attendees and the evening was a resounding success.


We are always on the lookout for new players in the section so if you are interested please contact Chris Bray on Gill Bray or


Chris Bray