Backgammon and Croquet summer event

After a two-year gap due to COVID (2020) and bad weather (2021) the very popular croquet/backgammon event returned on 12th July. Numbers were a little low but we appreciated that a lot of Members were away on holiday, making up for lost time.This is a pairs event where there are four 25-minutes sessions of golf croquet and three 25-minute sessions of backgammon. The objective in each element is simply to score more hoops/points than your opponents. The two parts of the day were separated by a truly excellent one-course fish supper where the club chefs really excelled themselves.

After a very close-fought croquet section with most pairs still in contention the backgammon section revealed a different story and Peter Bonnor-Moris and Trevor Campbell were the clear overall winners.


The runner-up position was decided by the narrowest of margins in favour of Adrian Burn and Carol McEvoy. The four prize winners are shown in the picture.


We will be running the event again next year so you have plenty of time to hone your skills at both games and then join us for an event that is always great fun.Chris and Gill Bray