2021 Art Lectures
There were well over 100 art group members, plus their families, watching the lecture yesterday evening on zoom on the Italian sketch books of JMW Turner by Nicola Moorby.
Thanks for all the positive feedback: “it was fascinating, so well researched and presented on zoom…we could really see the details up close”
During the Q&A Nicola recommended we should see Turners’ paintings and sketch books in private by making a request and visiting the Prints and Drawings Rooms at Tate Britain.
You can make an appointment to ensure you get in; it is free and open to all, including groups; here is the link; for a post Covid19 treat:
The next lecture to put in your diaries is at 7pm on Tuesday the 16th February 2021: Winston Churchill – The Artist by Claire Walsh
We will open up bookings shortly
This will be free on zoom for all Art Group members.
We may expand the format and invite you all to open your videos and microphones at the end of the Q&A so you can all be revealed and send your appreciation to the lecturer.