Art Palette

Art classes start again week beginning 13th January. 

Kathy’s Beginners’ and Improvers’ hugely enjoyable classes will be relaunched on Wednesday 15th January 2 – 5pm. It costs £140 for a ten-week term and this includes all materials for your first year. Just turn up with your apron! There is a carefully structured syllabus to teach you basic techniques and improve your confidence and abilities.

Booking is also open to all comers for all the usual classes. Further information on the Art Group notice board or on the website. If you want to try a new class at the beginning of term, this costs £20 (£25 for Life Drawing) and if you decide to continue, (space permitting) this money will be deducted from the £140 term’s fees (£180 Life Drawing).

Please book and pay before classes start to ensure you are included on the email lists for any urgent communications. You can book at Reception or give them a call on 020 8480 4200.

Art Group Membership

Join the Art Group (forms under Art Group notice board in Reception) and enjoy our subsidised series of lectures and Art visits which run throughout the year with a break over the summer. For just £20 per year you have free access to all six lectures (usual entry price £5 per Club Member, £10 guests). In addition, you are entitled to enroll in any of our art or photography classes. This subscription will be added to your Club subscription debited in January.

For enquiries about joining the Art Group please email 

Please also state if you wish to attend classes as well as art lectures and visits. For details please see the Art Group notice board in Club Reception or look at the Art Group section of the Members’ website at 

April Art Classwork Exhibition

Friday 6th March is the deadline for submission of your best work. Don’t forget to paint your watercolours to fit the cream mounts available to purchase through the tutor at £3 (small size) or £4 (large).

Spring Drinks and AGM

Tuesday 24th March 6.30 – 7.30pm in the Art Studio. This is a convivial occasion at which the new Chair will be officially in post.

Art Lectures 2020 dates for your diary

Every third Tuesday of the month, 8 – 9pm with supper available beforehand by booking through

21st January  – As good as gold:
The symbolism of gold in art history by Alexandra Epps

18th February Joaquin Sorolla: Spanish painter of light by Jacqueline Cockburn

17th March – Vermeer: Girl with the pearl earring by Lucrezia Walker

21st April – Andy Warhol and American Pop Art by Barrie Garnham (see the exhibition at Tate Modern 12th March – 6th September 2020)

22nd September – Can Art change the World? Art with something to say by Val Woodgate

20th October – Rafael: Genius of the Renaissance in Rome by Jo Walton 

Finally, we look forward to seeing you in the Art Studio Week beginning 13th January.