Art Palette


Book now for summer art classes

If you’ve ever thought about doing an art class, the five-week summer term, which starts on Friday 22nd April  is an ideal time to try them.

Classes run in the art studio and, whatever your experience, from beginner to experienced artist, you will benefit from the expertise of our professional tutors, Kathy Barker and Shaun Carey.

The atmosphere is friendly and welcoming and you’ll have fun as you build your skills and confidence.

The full range of classes, including our new Pastels Class are:

Discovering Watercolour with Shaun Carey

Mondays 10 am – 1pm 25th April – 23rd May

Mondays 2 – 5 pm 25th April – 30th May – no class Monday pm on 23rd May

Tuesdays 2 – 5pm.  26th April – 24th May

£75 for 5 sessions

Pastels with Kathy Barker

Tuesdays 10 am – 1pm. 26th April – 31st May

No class 24th May

£75 for 5 sessions

Life Drawing with Kathy Barker

Wednesdays 10 am – 1 pm.  27th April – 1st June

No class 25th May

£95 for 5 sessions including live model

Beginners and Improvers Drawing and Painting with Kathy Barker

Wednesdays 2 – 5 pm.  27th April – 1st June

No class 25th May

£75 for 5 sessions

Painting in Acrylics with Kathy Barker

Fridays 10 am – 1pm or 2 – 5 pm.  22nd April –20th May

£75 for 5 sessions


If you’re keen to take a watercolour class and are new to the medium, or would like more one-to-one teaching, you might wish to join Shaun’s Monday afternoon class 2 – 5 pm as this is currently a smaller class.

To book your class, simply visit Reception or call the team on 020 8480 4200 (option 4). You can pay using your credit / debit card.


Class Artwork Exhibition in the Reading Room

There are 80 paintings and drawings in the exhibition, ranging from beginners and improvers to our more experienced artists. It’s a great way to see how people are improving.

If you like what you see, why not join the short five-week summer term which starts after Easter!

Thanks to Nick Goddard for taking these photos (click here) of the exhibition opening drinks and AGM


Art Group Lecture – 19th April, 8pm

The Wild Beasts of 1905 – Fauve and French Expressionist Painting

Lecture by Frank Woodgate and introduced by Keith Tottem.

The lecture is live in the Club for Art Group members. No need to book. Although you may like to sign up on the Art Group notice board for the supper prior to the lecture and which includes a free glass of wine from the Club.


Fauvism is the French equivalent of German Expressionism and is full of colour and a sense of joie de vivre; artists such as Matisse and Derain caused a sensation when their works were exhibited alongside a classicized sculpture in Paris in 1905. A critic referred to the sculpture as ‘Donatello chez les fauves’  (Donatello among the wild beasts),  giving the name to the Movement


Richard Ramsey, Art Group Chairman