Art Palette
Annual Art Group Exhibition and Dinner
The Art Group is gearing up for its busy time of year, settling into the autumn term classes and preparing for the Annual Art Group Exhibition and Dinner on Tuesday 14th November.
Artists wishing to exhibit should be thinking about their selection of three works and getting them framed if appropriate. Tutors are always happy to advise. Forms for submission should be handed in by Friday 13th October.
The official opening of the Art Group Exhibition and Sale on Tuesday 14th November is open to all and offers the opportunity to admire the works over a glass of wine with friends. You could even buy an early Christmas present for yourself or loved ones!
The annual Art Group Dinner follows immediately after the opening reception and is open to all who have prebooked. This event is always fantastic fun and very inclusive. You can come as an individual and be seated on a table where you will be made welcome, or book in a group of up to ten. You may also invite guests. A delicious menu is planned.
Art Group members £45 | Guests £50
Booking is open until Tuesday 7th November. Places are limited so early booking is advised. Book now at Reception or give the team a call on 020 8480 4200.
Art Classes – Pay per Class
The autumn term started this week and syllabi and materials lists are available as usual on the website or in Reception under the Art Group noticeboard.
From the week commencing 25th September the following classes will be available for pay per class:
Monday 2–5pm ◊ Watercolour, pen and ink and mixed media £25
Tuesday 2–5pm ◊ Watercolour £25
Wednesday 10 am–1pm ◊ Life Drawing £31 (includes cost of model)
Please book and pay at Reception ahead of your class or give the team a call on 020 8480 4200.
Save the dates:
◊ Autumn term of art classes starts on 18th September
◊ No classes half term week 23rd-27th October
◊ Pay per class available from week commencing 25th September
◊ Forms to enter the exhibition should be handed in by 13th October
◊ Artwork should be brought in on Sunday 12th November
◊ Art Group Exhibition runs 12th – 26th November
◊ Annual dinner and exhibition preview on Tuesday 14th November
Next Art Group lecture
Edward Seago – from the Circus to Sandringham
Tuesday 17th October, 8pm
Lecture by James Russell
Click here for the poster
Art Group Membership
From September 2023, Club Members wishing to attend lectures or attend Art classes should be Art Group members.
For those joining the Art Group this autumn, the cost for the remainder of the year is £10, reverting to £20 for 2024.
For six lectures, this represents the best value in the Club!