Art Palette

Here are some images from the watercolour masterclass.


The Club has agreed to install a stair lift to the Art Studio over the summer; the plan is that it is ready for use in time for the start of the autumn term.


The Club met with the contractor recently and is hopeful that the stair lift will be installed on time. We know there are general shortages of materials and tradesman and so there is no guarantee on the timetable, but we are hopeful.


I am pleased that the Club has agreed to open the Art Studio for art group members to use from 10am to 5pm on Tuesdays until term starts again. Please bring your own materials, clear up afterward and, very importantly, turn off the air conditioning when you leave.


Enjoy painting and drawing over the summer months. Please email me examples of your work to: so I can choose some examples for the next Recorder.

Dates for your Diaries

Art Classes – autumn term starts Monday 19th September – bookings open now

Art Lecture – autumn series starts Tuesday 20th September

Art Lecture – Tuesday, 18th October

Annual Exhibition and Sale, 8th to 20th November – entries to be brought in on Sunday 6th November

Art Group dinner and exhibition opening drinks, 8th November

Reading Room exhibitions continue throughout

Book now for Autumn Term Art Classes 2022

Booking is now open for autumn art classes starting Monday 19th September. Classes run for 10 weeks in the Art Studio.

This term we’re delighted to offer a new class:

Watercolour, Pen, Ink and Mixed Media with Shaun Carey on Monday afternoons 2 – 5 pm. This new class bridges drawing and painting; exploring line, tonal painting, wash studies, dip pen and brush techniques.  You’ll learn about a mix of media techniques combining ink with watercolour, gouache, watercolour pencils and pastels; and work from a variety of subjects, including still life, landscape (from images/photos) as well some figure and portrait. It promises to be a varied, exciting class and any existing student can book now.

Autumn Art Classes 2022 timetable

Discovering watercolour with Shaun Carey

Mondays 10am – 1pm ,19th September – 28th November

Tuesdays 2 – 5pm, 20th September – 29th November

£165 for 10 sessions.

Watercolour, pen, ink, and mixed media

Mondays 2 – 5pm, 19th September – 28th November

£165 for 10 sessions

Pastels with Kathy Barker

Tuesdays 10am – 1pm, 20th September – 29th November

£165 for 10 sessions

Life drawing with Kathy Barker

Wednesdays 10am – 1pm, 21st September – 30th November

£210 for 10 sessions including live model.

Beginners and improvers drawing and painting with Kathy Barker

Wednesdays 2 – 5pm, 21st September – 30th November

£165 for 10 sessions including live model for one class.

Painting in acrylics with Kathy Barker

Fridays 10am – 1pm or Fridays 2 – 5pm, 23rd September – 2nd December

£165 for 10 sessions.

All classes will break for half term for the week of 24th – 28th October.

Call or visit Reception to book

To book your class, simply visit Reception or call them on 020 8480 4200 (option 4). You can pay using your credit card.

Classes are only available to Art Group members; if you are not a member, you’ll be asked to join at a reduced cost of £10 for the rest of the year.

Richard Ramsey, Art Group Chairman