Art Palette

Art Group members are invited to enter the 2022 Art Group Exhibition and Sale

The deadline for entry forms has been extended to this Friday 21st October to accommodate a few late comers. Entry forms are under the Art Group noticeboard in Reception. Your art work to be exhibited needs to be brought to the Club on 6th November.

We are looking forward to another great exhibition!

Art Group members are invited to the Exhibition Preview and Drinks and the Art Group Dinner on 8th November

6.30 – 7.30pm View the artwork of our talented Art Group members over a glass of wine in the Fountain Room at the Club.

7.30pm Exhibition opening by Sir Thomas Allen, who joined the Art Group last year. He retired recently as one of world’s leading operatic baritones and is enjoying spending time painting.

8 – 11pm Dinner to celebrate the year and bring friends, family and other artists. Come on your own or make up a table of up to ten.

I know that many of you are organising your tables and we have some 80 people booked to come already.

Book by 1st November at Reception, call them on 020 8480 4200, or via the Members’ website at

Please mention any special dietary requirements when booking and mention any particular table or host you wish to join.

Dinner £40 Art Group member | £45 guest

Richard Ramsey, Art Group Chair