Art Palette
Annual Art Exhibition and Sale 2021
Wednesday 10th to Sunday 21st November
Everyone is invited to view the Annual Exhibition and Sale which is open now throughout the Club; in the Fountain Room, Health club and Reading Room.
There are a record 140 entries by 45 artists in the Club, with some outstanding paintings amongst them; there are also some wonderful unframed artworks in the hoppers.
Vote for your three favourite entries by filling in a form from the Fountain Room and posting it in the voting box. The winner will be displayed prominently in the Club after the exhibition.
If you would like to buy one of the artworks which is for sale you should phone the artist directly in the number shown in the catalogue. Once you have agreed a purchase with the artist you can pay and collect the artwork after the exhibition has closed.
Try an art class for £20, or £25 for Life Drawing
You can now join an individual art class with ‘Pay Per Class’. Book a one-off class for £20, or £25 for Life Drawing, or come along to as many classes as you wish for the remainder of the term, subject of course to availability.
You can Pay Per Class for any of the following classes:
Discovering Watercolour
Mondays 2 – 5 pm. Classes run until 29th November
Tuesdays 2 – 5pm. Classes run until 30th November
£20 per class.
Life Drawing with live model
Wednesdays 10 am – 1 pm. Classes run until 1st December
£25 per class.
Beginners and Improvers Drawing and Painting
Wednesdays 2 – 5 pm. Classes run until 1st December
£20 per class.
Painting in Acrylics
Fridays 2 – 5 pm. Classes run until 3rd December
£20 per class.
Book your Pay Per Class by visiting Reception before the class or call them on 020 8480 4200 (option 4). All Pay Per Class bookings are subject to availability.