Art Palette

Art Group Lecture – Tuesday 20th September, 8pm


The Art of Seduction by Lynne Gibson


Free to Art Group members, no need to book

Seduction has been one of the enduring themes of art since Eve offered Adam an apple. The Italian Renaissance offered painters an Olympian cast of amorous gods and goddesses. Puritanical Dutch and prudish Victorians tutted over the loose morals of fallen women, Rococo artists revelled in the flirtatious fun of Fetes Galantes and Belle Epoque.


Has the ‘Battle of the Sexes’ killed the spirit of romance?


Join us to celebrate the theme of love and courtship from the Age of Chivalry to the Modern Age.


To be held in the Club only
For any queries, please email Sue Jell, Lectures Organiser at

Summer holiday painting by Kay Jansa and Jonathan Collard

There’s still time to book your autumn art class


If you’re keen to try out an art class this autumn, join the 90 students who have signed up already; we still have some spaces available.  Scroll down to see the full autumn timetable including:


Beginners and Improvers Drawing and Painting


If you’re new to art or want to get back into it, join our Beginners and Improvers class on Wednesday afternoons. Kathy Barker’s effective and encouraging teaching style will help you build your drawing skills and your confidence. Materials will be provided free in your first year, and you can look forward to producing a recognisable artwork each week.


New Life Drawing five-week course

Drawing the human form is such a wonderful subject to study and we still have a handful of places on our 5-week Life Drawing Class with Kathy Barker on Wednesday mornings.

Classes Timetable

Discovering Watercolour with Shaun Carey

Mondays 10 am – 1pm, 19th September – 28th November\
Tuesdays 2 – 5pm, 20th September – 29th November
£165 for 10 sessions.

Watercolour, pen, ink, and mixed media

Mondays 2 – 5pm, 19th September – 28th November
£165 for 10 sessions

Life Drawing with Kathy Barker

Wednesdays 10 am – 1 pm, 21st September – 19th October
£98 for 5 sessions including live model.

Beginners and Improvers Drawing and Painting with Kathy Barker

Wednesdays 2 – 5 pm, 21st September to 30th November
£165 for 10 sessions including live model for one class.

Painting in Acrylics with Kathy Barker

Fridays 2 – 5 pm, 23rd September – 2nd December
£165 for 10 sessions.

All classes will break for Half Term for the week of 24th – 28th October.

Book now at Reception or give the team a call on 020 8480 4200 (option 4)

Classes are available to Art Group members only.

If you’re not a member you can join by paying £10 for membership for the remainder of the year.

Booking closes on Wednesday, 15th September 2022.

Send me your summer artwork

I hope you are enjoying painting and drawing over the summer months. Do please email me examples of your work at: or add them to your class WhatsApp group so I can choose examples for the Recorder.

Diary dates

Art Classes autumn term starts Monday 19th September

Booking is open now; some of the more popular classes and times are already full or nearly fully booked so don’t delay if you want a particular class.

Art Lecture autumn series

Tuesday 20th September
Tuesday 18th October

Annual Exhibition and Sale – 8th to 20th November

Entries to be brought in on Sunday 6th November
Art Group dinner and exhibition opening drinks 8th November

Reading Room exhibitions continue throughout

Richard Ramsey, Art Group Chairman