
Expert art historians or curators share with Members their knowledgeable insights into artists’ lives and work – often related to current exhibitions taking place in London or anniversaries.

There are six lectures each year held on Tuesday evenings starting at 8pm and there is no charge to Art Group members.

Club Members attending should also be members of the Art Group and can sign up for Art Group membership on the evening.

The Art Group annual subscription of £20, which reduces to £10 if you join after 30th June, is payable at Reception using a credit / debit card.

Art Group members may bring guests who are not members of the Club paying £10 each on arrival.


The Ashcan Painters –Founders of New York Realism


Lecture by Mary Alexander


Tuesday 17th September, 8pm


Not an ‘ism’, not a school – but a talented group of individual artists and friends who came together to exhibit paintings, share ideas and give us unforgettable images of New York city in transition at the turn of the century. Gritty realism and humour of the urban streets meet the natural beauty of the river and skyline through the seasons. We will explore the range of visual imagery and the palpitating energy and excitement of the city through the eyes of George Bellows, John Sloan, William Glackens, Robert Henri, Everett Shinn and the extraordinary Theresa Bernstein among others.


Mary lectures regularly for The Arts Society throughout the UK and abroad including lecture tours in Australia and New Zealand. She also contributes articles to magazines, newspapers and professional journals.


For any queries contact, Sue Jell, Lectures Organiser at suejell@hotmail.co.uk

2024 Art Group Lectures

The Ashcan Painters – Founders of the New York Realism

Tuesday 17th September with Mary Alexander

Walter Sickert and the Camden Town Group

Tuesday 15th October with Nicola Moorby