Art Classes

Autumn 2024 Art Classes

Booking is now open for daytime autumn term art classes, subject to availability. Classes will run for ten weeks from Monday 16th September until Friday 29th November, with a half term break week commencing 21st October. Classes are held in the Art Studio and will be led by our experienced tutors Kathy Barker, Shaun Carey and Daisy Drummond.

Whether you’ve not done art since school or are already a keen artist, we have a range of classes to develop your skills. Why not try our flagship Life Drawing class with Kathy Barker or our exciting and varied Watercolour, Pen, Ink and Mixed Media class with Shaun Carey.

Life Drawing with Kathy Barker on Wednesday mornings 10am – 1pm

With a live model each week, you’ll learn key techniques through demonstrations, drawing exercises and lots of one-to-one teaching. Kathy will give you the guidance you need throughout to help you develop your skills. And you’ll love the friendly and welcome atmosphere, working with fellow students. You’ll need some basic drawing experience to get the best from this class.

Watercolour, Pen, Ink and Mixed Media with Shaun Carey – Monday afternoons, 2-5pm

If you’re looking for artistic inspiration and variety then this course is for you. Open to beginners and those with experience the course aims to explore various media and subjects – including charcoal, pen and ink, watercolour, gouache, pastels and mixed media. Subjects include landscape, still life, portrait and others.

The course aims to get the beginner started, developing confidence, and those with experience to enhance their talents. With demonstrations, encouragement and lots of one-to-one teaching, you’ll enjoy developing your personal creativity.

Wednesday Afternoon’s Class

You will see that there is a change to the Wednesday afternoon Beginners and Improvers Drawing and Painting class which has been renamed: Pastel, Watercolour and Acrylic Painting and Drawing for all Levels. We have extended this class to include not only beginners, but students at all levels who wish to benefit from Kathy’s teaching across these three media. Each medium will be taught in rotation every three weeks. When booking, please let the Reception Team know that you’re looking for Wednesday afternoon’s class as the class has been renamed.

Classes Timetable

All classes run for ten weeks with a break for half term 21st – 25th October.

Discovering Watercolour with Shaun Carey

Mondays 10am – 1pm 16th September – 25th November FULLY BOOKED
Half term 21st October
Tuesdays 2 – 5pm 17th September – 26th November
Half term 22nd October
£171 for 10 sessions

Click here for the Monday morning syllabus

Click here for the Tuesday afternoon syllabus

Click here for the materials list

Watercolour, pen, ink and mixed media with Shaun Carey

Mondays 2 – 5pm 16th September – 25th November
Half term 21st October
£171 for 10 sessions

Click here for the syllabus

Click here for the materials list

Pastels Class with Kathy Barker FULLY BOOKED

Tuesdays 10am – 1pm 17th September – 26th November
Half term 22nd October
£171 for 10 sessions

Click here for the syllabus

Life Drawing with Kathy Barker

Wednesdays 10am – 1pm 18th September – 27th November
Half term 23rd October
£215 for 10 sessions including live model

Click here for the syllabus

Click here for the materials list

Pastel, Watercolour and Acrylic Painting and Drawing for all Levels with Kathy Barker FULLY BOOKED

Wednesdays 2 – 5pm 18th September – 27th November
Half term 23rd October
£171 for 10 sessions including live model for one class

Click here for the syllabus

Click here for the materials list

Acrylics with Daisy Drummond FULLY BOOKED

Thursdays 4 – 7 pm 19th September – 28th November
Half term 24th October
£171 for 10 sessions

Painting in Acrylics with Kathy Barker

Fridays 10 am – 1pm
Fridays 2 – 5pm 20th September – 29th November
Half term 25th October
£171 for 10 sessions

Click here for the syllabus

Click here for the materials list

Art Group Membership

Classes are available to Art Group members only. If you are not yet a member you can join when you book. Membership is £10 for the remainder of 2024 and entitles you to a range of benefits including a full lecture programme.

Booking Arrangements

To book your class please visit Reception or call the team on 020 8480 4200 (option 4). You can pay using your debit / credit card or any top up levy on your Roehampton Club card. If you are not already an Art Group Member, please let the team know and you will be asked to join when you book your class. Booking is subject to availability. Booking for daytime art classes will close on Tuesday, 10th September.

Autumn 2024 Beginners’ Drawing and Painting Evening Class with Kathy Barker FULLY BOOKED

This fantastic ten-week Beginners’ Evening Class will cover different media whilst getting to grips with drawing and improving our observational skills. We will work from still life, landscape, flora and fauna. We will also have at least one session with the life model, developing line and tone throughout and transitioning into colour. Media will include pencil work, charcoal work, painting in acrylics and drawing in soft chalk-coloured pastels. There will be tutor demonstrations each week at the beginning of the class and individual tutorials throughout the lessons. Not to be missed!

The class will run weekly in the Art Studio on Monday evenings from 7pm to 9.30pm.
Term starts on Monday 16th September and finishes on Monday 25th November, with a break for half term on Monday 21st October.
The price includes tea / coffee, a live model for one week and your own set of pastels.

Click here for the syllabus and materials list

Art Group Membership

Classes are available to Art Group members only. If you are not yet a member you can join when you book. Membership is £10 for the remainder of 2024 and entitles you to a range of benefits including a full lecture programme.

How to book

To book your place on the Beginners Drawing and Painting Evening Class, please visit Reception or call the team on 020 8480 4200. You can pay using your debit/credit card or any top up levy on your Roehampton Club card. If you are not already an Art Group Member, please let the team know and you will be asked to join when you book your class.  Booking is subject to availability. Booking closes on Tuesday, 10th September.

We look forward to seeing you at an Art Class in the Autumn.

If you have any queries, please email

Term Dates 2024 – 2025

Spring 2024 (10 weeks)

Term starts 8th January

Half term 12th – 16th February

Term ends Friday 22nd March

Summer 2024 (5 Weeks)

Term starts 15th April 2024 all classes

Shaun’s Monday classes: term ends Monday 20th May. No class 6th May (Bank Holiday)

All other classes term ends Friday 17th May

Autumn 2024 (10 weeks)

Starts Monday 16th September

Half term 21st – 25th October

Term ends Friday 29th November


Spring 2025 (10 weeks)

Term starts Monday 13th January 2025

Half term 17th – 21st February

Term ends Friday 28th March

Summer 2025 (5 weeks)

All classes: term starts Monday 28th April

Shaun’s Monday AM and PM classes: term Ends Monday 9th June. No classes on Monday 5th May and Monday 26th May (Bank Holidays)

Shaun Tuesday PM Class: term ends Tuesday 27th May

Kathy’s Classes: term Starts w/c Monday 28th April all classes

No Classes Kathy w/c 19th May

Term Ends Kathy’s classes Friday 6th June

Be Inspired


Click here to see our short video and hear about why our existing students enjoy art classes

‘I enjoy watching someone new to art grow in confidence and ability, especially those of you that arrive so timidly and without any self-belief.  My tenet is that anyone can be taught some basic exercises that will help transpose what you see onto a two-dimensional plane.


Practice is a huge key element but, more importantly, encouragement is one of the most important aspects to my teaching.


I want students to be inspired.’

Kathy Barker

‘One of the most enjoyable aspects is one to one teaching, understanding individual abilities and personal experience.  Getting to know each student helps me to find ways to inspire, enabling room for each to develop techniques, personal approaches and, on occasion, maybe take a risk or two.


I believe teaching should encourage. Even if a student has found an exercise tough it will always lay deeper foundations upon which they can build their personal abilities for future.’

Shaun Carey