Application Process

All applicants should complete an adult application form or junior application form and return it to the Membership Office with their supporting paperwork and non-refundable registration fees – £100 per adult.

Applicants with a Proposer and Seconder who are current Members of the Club

Adult application forms should be signed by a Proposer and Seconder who are Members of the Club, personal friends of the candidate and who will provide letters or emails supporting the candidate’s application.

Applicants without a Proposer and Seconder

For Prospective Members who don’t currently know any Members at the Club, in order to submit an application for membership, we ask for CVs, a copy of ID and letters from two professional people who can write a character reference for each Prospective Member and vouch for their good character. Once added to the waiting list, we will assist prospective members in finding current Members to propose and second their membership applications.

Prospective Members’ Meeting

Once all the required paperwork is received, applicants will be invited to a Prospective Members’ Meeting, held once a month on a Sunday (10-11am) morning to meet the Chief Executive, a Director, the Marketing and Membership Manager and other Prospective Members.

Waiting List

Prospective Members are added to the Waiting List at the date of the Board Meeting following the Prospective Members’ Meeting they attended and membership is offered in chronological order.

There is an intake of new Members each January and the number of resignations received at the end of each year determines the number of vacancies available for the following year. A second annual intake in the summer months offers a limited number of memberships in June to start on 1st July.

The current waiting list time is around three years depending on the number of resignations received at the end of each year. If we receive a large number of deferrals to places offered each autumn we may move more quickly through the waiting list.

Contact Helen Bolt, Marketing and Membership Manager or Simi Mangat, Membership Assistant at with any queries.